34.2.1. Creating a New Template Entry to Flag a Parameter

You will need to create a new template entry in order to flag a parameter. To do this:

  1. Select the appropriate menu for the parameter you want to flag. For example, if the parameter is density, then select the Density menu in the Material data panel.

  2. Click the UPDT button at the top of the Ansys Polydata menu to enable template inputs.

  3. Select the appropriate parameter menu item (for example, Modification of density).

  4. Enter the new value for the parameter when prompted by Ansys Polydata.

  5. Click OK to accept the new value. This will open the Create template entry menu.

  6. Click Create a new template entry to flag the parameter.

  7. Select Modify comment, enter a reference name for your new template entry, and click OK.

    Note that you will refer to the flagged parameter by this name when managing template entries.

  8. Select Upper level menu.

  9. Click UPDT to disable the template inputs.

Important:  Note that you can define a template entry for all parameters for which the EVOL or PMAT buttons are available (that is, the parameters of material properties, the amplitudes of a mesh deformation preprocessor, and the parameters of the boundary conditions).