29.4. Outputs to a Listing File

While performing the time-marching procedure, Ansys Polyflow writes the time step information to a listing file (if one has been specified) or your screen, whenever a new time step has successfully been calculated. The information displayed is

  • t: The estimated time of the solution.

  • dtnew: The time step used in the next step.

  • step #: The number of the recently completed step.

  • okincr: If the solution is acceptable, this will be T; otherwise, it will be F. If the solution is not acceptable, then the time step will be rejected.

  • tests: The relative maximum difference between the predicted and corrected values. This gives an estimate of local truncation errors that are less than or equal to 0.1 times the prescribed relative tolerance.

You can use this information to determine whether the time step is being limited by accuracy or by the convergence of the iterations. If convergence occurs but the time step remains small, the small time steps are caused by a strict tolerance criteria. If this is the case, you may want to disable the velocity field prediction, as discussed at the end of Setting Up a Time-Dependent Problem.