1.9. Known Limitations in Ansys Polyflow 2024 R2

The following is a comprehensive list of limitations known for Ansys Polyflow 2024 R2, including those discovered during previous releases.

  • When using a limited Academic License, you cannot load a mesh containing more than 1,000,000 elements.

  • The following errors are displayed in the terminal when running Polydata on Ubuntu. They do not impact the functionality of the product:

    (polydata:<pid>): Gtk-WARNING **: <timestamp>: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "pixmap",
    (polydata:<pid>): Gtk-WARNING **: <timestamp>: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "adwaita",
    Gtk-Message: <timestamp>: Failed to load module "canberra-gtk-module"
  • Polydata fails to respond on Unaccelerated Ubuntu VMs with a Mesa issue:

    libGL error: MESA-LOADER: failed to open swrast: /usr/lib/dri/swrast_dri.so: 
    cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory 
    (search paths /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri:\$${ORIGIN}/dri:/usr/lib/dri, 
    suffix _dri)libGL error: failed to load driver: swrastIf

    Workaround: Add the Workbench Framework Mesa to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH and Polydata starts and runs without issues.

    For example, if you export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/ansys_inc/v222/Framework/bin/Linux64/Mesa and then run on Ubuntu machines with accelerated graphics, Polydata starts and runs without issues.

  • SpaceClaim meshing cannot be used to create shell meshes for Polyflow.

  • When the ENABLE_ANSYS_QA_SERVICES211 environment variable is not defined, the following message appears in the listing of the Polyflow solver:

    Error in system util module, routine:get_env_var 
    ENABLE_ANSYS_QA_SERVICES211 is not found the environment variables list. 
    Either, it is not defined or character string is too long

    This message has no impact at all on the calculation and can be avoided by defining the environment variable and setting it to 0.

  • The following error is reported while starting Polydata while using KDE (on Redhat Linux 7):

    symbol lookup error: /usr/lib64/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/engines/liboxygen-gtk.so: 
    undefined symbol: cairo_surface_create_for_rectangle

    The preferred workaround is to use GNOME in place of KDE. If using GNOME is not practical, another workaround is to move the following file:


    into the following location:


    The behavior of Polydata, however, is not perfect:

    • After startup, the graphical window may need to be refreshed by selecting the Fit to window button in the graphics toolbar.

    • After selecting the mesh file, Polydata may seem to be in an infinite loop loading the mesh. To get a working interface, minimize and then restore the Polydata window. It may also be necessary to refresh the window using the Fit to window graphics toolbar button.

  • When FIPS (Federal Information Processing Standards) is enabled, Workbench projects from version 2020 R1 and earlier are unable to update the status of the cells of Polyflow system(s). This is due to MD5 signatures being used to keep track of the changes of the different files of the Polyflow systems. With versions prior to 2020 R2, enabling FIPS leads to permanent issues since the MD5 signatures used by the Polyflow Workbench Add-In cannot be calculated. With version 2020 R2, loading an older Workbench project (one created prior to 2020 R2) results in incorrect cell states. The Polyflow systems can be updated in Workbench 2020 R2 because 2020 R2 uses FIPS-compliant signatures but require a re-calculation of the solution. To replace the MD5 signatures with FIPS-compliant MD5 signatures, open the original Workbench project in Workbench 2020 R2 on a machine with FIPS disabled. The project can then be saved as a Workbench 2020 R2 project that can then be loaded into Workbench on a machine with FIPS enabled since the signatures are now FIPS-compliant.

  • (Linux) When attempting to display remotely, Polydata will not launch while using the standard Server Side Rendering command (.ssrun) of Exceed TurboX (ETX). If you want to use the Server Side Rendering command for remote display, you need to remove the libz.so.1 file from the ansys_inc/vXXX/polyflow/polyflowXX.X.X/lnamd64/libs directory.

  • When using the Mesh Superposition Technique (MST) with moving parts, the number of moving parts is limited to 10.

  • You cannot perform any actions that modify an Ansys Polyflow system (for example, saving or closing a project, duplicating an Ansys Polyflow system) while an Ansys Polyflow tool is open. In some cases, Ansys Workbench will allow such an action, but an error is generated.

  • CutCell meshes are not compatible with mixing or volume of fluid (VOF) tasks, viscoelastic flow sub-tasks, contact detection, internal radiation, the Narayanaswamy model, flow-induced crystallization, the sub-models, or the adaptive meshing technique. Moreover, the interpolation for the velocity field is limited: for a pure CutCell mesh, it must be the linear element; for a portion of a CutCell mesh that has been converted into a sliceable mesh, it can be either the linear element or the mini-element.

  • CutCell meshes as well as meshes that have been refined by adaptive meshing cannot be processed by Ansys Polyfuse.

  • In some cases, flow problems with non-moving parts that involve the slip condition may not converge, or may converge but produce suspicious results. In such cases, it is recommended that you modify the interpolation rule for the definition of the slipping boundary condition. This rule can be selected by using the Modify interpolation rule menu option in the Slipping : Advanced options menu (accessed through the Advanced options menu option when Slip conditions is selected for the flow boundary) or the Flow boundary conditions menu (when Interface with elastic solid is selected for the flow boundary as part of the FSI model). When the new calculation is complete, you should carefully inspect the results.

  • Errors may be generated when you use remote display on a Linux machine if you have not defined the LIBGL_ALWAYS_INDIRECT environment variable.

  • While the default creation of a specific thread for the CFD-Post output reduces the serial operations of the solver and generally increases parallel efficiency, it is possible that it could cause your process to freeze or become locked. If you suspect this may be the case, you should disable this feature by setting the OUTPUT_NUM_THREADS environment variable to 0.