16.10. Lagrangian Method on Borders

In classical blow molding applications where thin fluid regions are considered, the shear component is essentially absent from the flow kinetics. In other flow processes, such as squeezing flows where a thick fluid volume is present, shear is not always negligible.

Here, half of a sphere of fluid will be squeezed by the downward motion of the upper plate. A full Lagrangian representation (described in Lagrangian Method) for the equations is acceptable as long as the elements are not sheared too much. Other situations may exhibit a complex kinematics development, and a full Lagrangian representation may not be the most appropriate.

For flows involving contact occurring over time, a Lagrangian representation is used at least for the free surface that undergoes the contact; this improves the robustness of the contact algorithm. Consequently, it is appropriate to select a remeshing algorithm based on the combination of a Lagrangian representation on the border of the fluid domain and a minimum-pseudo-energy representation for the inner mesh nodes. This method is referred to as Lagrangian on the borders.

This method is applicable only to 2D cases, and is appropriate for rather thick parisons where remeshing with a spine technique in the thickness direction is not appropriate. This method uses Equation 16–14 on all the boundaries, and uses Optimesh to remesh the interior nodes.