17.4.8. Inputs for Self-Contact Detection

An additional postprocessor is available for detecting self-contacts in blow molding and thermoforming processes in 3D shell models, such as folds and knits that may occur in a blown part.

  1. Create a new sub-task.

      Create a sub-task

    1. Select Postprocessor as the sub-task type.


    2. When prompted, enter a name for the postprocessor sub-task.

  2. In the F.E.M. Task Postprocessor menu, select Self-contact detection.

    Self-contact detection

  3. Enable the self contact detection postprocessor.

    Enable self-contact detection

    By enabling the postprocessor, you can later choose to disable it without entirely removing the postprocessor.

  4. Specify actions to perform if self-contact is detected, such as:

    • No action if self-contact is detected will allow you to simply be able to postprocess the Self-Contact field

    • Warning if self-contact is detected will generate a message in the listing file when the first self-contact occurs and at the end of the listing.

    • Stop if self-contact is detected will stop the calculation as soon as the self-contact is detected.

  5. As part of the contact detection process, a search is conducted for each node of the fluid shell to establish whether it has come into contact with itself. Though unlikely, you have the option of revising the default settings of the search algorithm.

      Advanced options

    Perform the following steps in the menu that opens.

    1. You have the choice of five predefined groups of search settings. The groups can be "faster" (that is, result in faster computation times for the search) or "safer" (that is, conduct searches that are more thorough but require more computation time). By default, a fast group of settings is selected, as this group is appropriate for a relatively broad range of cases.

      Click one of the following menu items to select the settings that best represent how you want the search conducted:

        Reset to very fast settings

        Reset to fast settings

        Reset to safe settings

        Reset to very safe settings

        Reset to safest settings

      The text at the top of the menu displays the details of how the settings are currently defined.

    2. You can revise any of the following settings, in order to customize the predefined group to be more appropriate for your problem. In order to understand these settings, note that the search is conducted within a box-shaped zone that encompasses the whole shell. This zone is divided along the Cartesian axes into overlapping search sectors. For a given node of the fluid domain, the contact search is performed in the sector where that node is located.

      •   Modify expansion of the search zone

        This setting allows you to expand the search zone, by increasing its length along each axis by a specified fraction of the largest shell dimension.

      •   Modify search sector divisions per axis

        This setting defines the number (which must be a positive integer) into which the search zone will be divided along each axis. For example, if you enter 3 for the New value, the search zone will be divided into 27 (that is, 33) sectors.

      •   Modify overlap of sectors

        This setting defines the amount of overlap between neighboring sectors, and is expressed as a fraction of the largest dimension of each sector.

The Self-Contact field appears in the Field management menu at the end of the Ansys Polydata session. This field is initialized to 0 and is set to 1 when and where self-contact occurs. The self-contact field is never reset to 0.