7.7.2. Using Mesh-to-Mesh Interpolation

The procedure for interpolating results from one mesh to another is as follows:

  1. Create the data file for the first mesh in Ansys Polydata, and request that results be output to a CSV file. Select the Enable CSV (Excel) output menu item in the Outputs menu in Ansys Polydata.

      Enable CSV (Excel) output

  2. Calculate a solution on the first mesh. Upon completion of the calculation, Ansys Polyflow will save the results to a CSV file.

  3. Create the data file for the second mesh in Ansys Polydata, and specify that the calculation should be started from the CSV file. In the Numerical parameters menu, select the Start from an old CSV (Excel) file menu item.

      Start from an old CSV (Excel) file

  4. Calculate a solution on the second mesh. All variables currently defined will be interpolated and initialized on the basis of the CSV file before Ansys Polyflow launches the calculation.

Important:  Note that if you already have results from an Ansys Polyflow simulation, but you did not request a CSV file, you can convert the Ansys Polyflow results (res) file to a CSV file within Ansys Polydata:

  1. Select Convert old results file.

      Convert old results file

  2. Select the results file to be converted.

      Enter the name of the res file

  3. Request output to a CSV (Excel) file.

      Select outputs

  4. Return to the Convert old results file menu and initiate the conversion.


  5. When prompted, modify or accept the data fields to be saved, and then modify or accept the name for the CSV file (csv, by default). Ansys Polydata will launch Ansys Polyflow to generate the CSV file.

  6. Click Return in the Ansys Polyflow window to return to Ansys Polydata.

You can then follow the steps above to interpolate the results to a new mesh.