27.3. Elasticity Boundary Conditions

To solve an elastic problem, Ansys Polyflow requires information about the displacement (or force) along the boundary of the computational domain. To have a well-posed elastic problem, boundary conditions must avoid rigid motion.

Important:  Rigid motion causes convergence problems and may result in a zero pivot error message.

The default condition defined by Ansys Polydata on each section of a boundary is zero displacement (normal and tangential), except for the axis of symmetry in an axisymmetrical model. In this case, Ansys Polydata automatically creates a symmetry condition along the line r = 0. Where appropriate, keep the default boundary condition and specify new conditions for the rest of the boundary sections.

The boundary conditions available in Ansys Polydata are:

  • interface with solid.

  • interface with fluid.

  • normal and tangential displacement imposed.

  • normal and tangential force imposed.

  • normal displacement and tangential force imposed.

  • normal force and tangential displacement imposed.

  • plane or axis of symmetry.

  • contact with parison.

  • border of moving part.

  • assign displacement at points.

  • no displacement.

  • free displacement.

  • Cartesian displacement imposed.

  • global force imposed.

When setting elastic boundary conditions in Ansys Polydata, do the following:

  1. Select the displacement boundary conditions in the sub-task menu. Ansys Polydata will open the Displacement boundary conditions panel, displaying the default boundary conditions.

  2. Select the appropriate boundary section.

  3. Click Modify to change the boundary condition.