5.8. Exporting Files for Postprocessing and Additional Simulations

The results of your Ansys Polyflow simulation can be used by a variety of other applications, in order to postprocess the results or perform additional simulations. Each application will require that you save the mesh and solution data in an appropriate format. You will specify the desired output format(s) in Ansys Polydata, and this information will be passed to Ansys Polyflow through the data file.

Ansys Polyflow will then save the requested files when it completes the calculation (or at specified intervals during a time-dependent or evolution calculation, as described in Output for Time-Dependent, and Evolution Calculations). The procedure for saving mesh and solution data for external postprocessing or simulation is described in Exporting Mesh and Solution Data.

It is also possible to save solution data at a given point. See Saving Data at a Specified Point for details.

Note:  Upon reading Ansys Polyflow output files into another application, warning messages about element quality are sometimes issued by the application, due to the fact that criteria for evaluating the element quality are software-dependent. Whether a corrective action is required is left to your discretion.