28.5.4. Functions for Obtaining the Check Value F

The following is a list of the functions that can be used to obtain the value to check:

  • Minimum:

    This function computes the minimum of the restricted values .

  • Maximum:

    This function computes the maximum of the restricted values .

  • Average:

    This function computes the average of the restricted values . This average is based on the nodal values: the sum of nodal values divided by the number of nodal values ().

  • At closest node:

    This function extracts the value of restricted values at the node closest to the point of coordinates (, , ).

  • Weighted average:

    This function computes the weighted average of the restricted values . This weighted average is obtained from the ratio of the integral of over the domain and the length-surface-volume of .

  • Integral:

    This function computes the integral of the restricted values over the domain .

Note that the function for computing the check value is irrelevant for fields having only one value. This is the case for fields whose interpolation type is constant over the domain (flow rate, viscous and wall friction heating), or if the domain over which the criteria is evaluated is a point.