Wizard Directory Structure

Each wizard must have the following folders and files:

  • custom_data (optional)

    • myscript.py

  • doc.md (optional)

  • js

    • wizard.js

  • logo.svg (optional)

  • metadata.json (optional)

  • remotes.json (optional)

  • scheduled_actions.json (optional)

  • wizard.png (optional)

The files are used as follows:

  • doc.md: Documentation that is displayed in the user interface when you click Wizards  

  • metadata.json: Title and description that is displayed in the user interface when you click Wizards  

  • wizard.png: Customized icon for the wizard

  • logo.svg: Customized logo for the wizard

  • remotes.json: Collection of remote machines to submit to, see the JSON schema for a detailed description

All Wizards must be placed in the docroot/wizards directory at top level. This can be done while the optiSLang Web Service is running. Wizards can also be added or deleted by an administrator. You can also download any wizard as an .owa file.