Deploying as a Linux or Unix Daemon

When deploying, the service configuration is written to the default folder for system-wide settings using QtSoftware as the organization name (for example, /etc/xdg/QtSoftware.conf). Account and password arguments are ignored. Due to the different implementations of how daemons are installed on various Unix-like systems, this method does not integrate the service into the system's startup scripts. This must be done manually.

Licenses for web-based postprocessing and optiSLang execution (if optiSLang is started directly on the optiSLang Web Service machine) are acquired for the root/elevated user. This must be taken into account when configuring/deploying licenses.

To deploy the optiSLang Web Service as a Linux/Unix daemon:

  1. As an elevated or root user, open a terminal.

  2. Switch to the optiSLang installation directory.

  3. To install the service, run the following command:

    manage_web_service -i
  4. To start the service, run the following command:

  5. To stop the service, select one of the following options:

    • Run the following command

      manage_web_service -t
    • Manage service actions in the optiSLang Web Service user interface

  6. To uninstall the service, run the following command:

    manage_web_service -u

For version information and help, use the following command line arguments:

-v(ersion) Print version and status information.
-h(elp) Display help information.