Starting optiSLang

There are three methods to start optiSLang.

Windows Start Menu

On a Windows system, select Start > Ansys 2024 R2> optiSLang 2024 R2 or Start > Ansys optiSLang 2024 R2.

Command Line with User Interface

You can start optiSLang in a command line with the user interface enabled.

On a Windows system, run the following command:

[installation path]\optislang [additional options]

On a Linux system, run the following command:

[installation path]/optiSLang [additional options]
Informational Options
--help (-h)Displays an overview of all command line parameters.
--version (-v)Displays optiSLang version information.
--support-infoDisplays support information.
GUI Mode Options
--newCreates a new project.
--new=path/to/project_new.opfCreates a new project in the provided path.
--runRuns the project.
--purgeOpens a dialog box to define the purge filter, perform a test run and execute the purge functionality.
--import-project-properties project properties fileImports a project properties file.
--project-password argUnlocks password protected projects with the provided password.
--project-password-file password file nameUnlocks password protected projects with the provided password file.
Troubleshooting Options
--no-docDisable built-in documentation system.
--sw-renderingForces software rendering.
Placeholder Options

Displays the placeholder assignment dialog box.

Additional Options:

  • --export-values (*.placeholders)—Exports a placeholder values file after assignment

  • --plmxml (*.xml)—Specifies a PLMXML file for placeholder assignment

  • --save—Saves the project with assigned placeholders (default unless the placeholder values file is exported)

  • --save-as (*.opf)—Saves the project with assigned placeholders in a different location

  • --export-values (*.placeholders)—Exports a placeholder values file after assignment

--import-values (*.placeholders)Imports a placeholder values file.
File Registration Options
--file-provider-dialogDisplays the Registered files dialog box.
Common Server Options
--server-password argSubmits the server password. Use when communication with the server requires the request to contain a password entry.

Writes the server information file using the file path specified. If an absolute path is not supplied, it is considered to be relative to the project working directory.

For example:


--log-server-eventsDisplays server events in the Message log pane.
--enable-notifications arg

Subscribe to push notifications sent to the listener.

For example:

--enable-notifications LOG_WARNING LOG_ERROR

Available push notifications are:



















Shut down when execution is finished.

Local Server Options
--enable-local-server arg

Enables local surveillance on a specified server ID. On Windows, use named pipes and on Unix, use local domain sockets.

For example:


--register-local-listener arg

Registers local listener for specified server ID.

For example:


--register-multi-local-listeners arg

Registers multiple local listeners for specified server ID.

For example:

--register-multi-local-listeners 123 456 789

--register-local-heartbeat-listeners arg

Registers local heartbeat listeners for specified server ID.

For example:

--register-local-heartbeat-listeners 123 456 789

--local-listener-id arg

Sets a specific unique ID for the local listener.

For example:


Remote Server Options

Enables remote surveillance (plain TCP/IP based), the port indication is optional [5310-5399].

For example:

--enable-tcp-server=5555 or --enable-tcp-server=5300-5700


Enables remote surveillance (SSL/TLS encrypted TCP/IP), the port indication is optional [5310-5399].

For example:

--enable-ssl-server=5555 or --enable-ssl-server=5300-5700


Enables remote surveillance (ZeroMQ based), the port indication is optional [5310-5399].

For example:

--enable-sv=5555 or --enable-sv=5300-5700

--server-address arg

Sets the remote surveillance server address. If not specified, the server listens on all interfaces.

For example:


--register-tcp-listener arg

Registers the remote listener (plain TCP/IP based) for specified host and port.

For example:


--register-ssl-listener arg

Registers the remote listener (SSL/TLS encrypted TCP/IP) for specified host and port.

For example:


--register-multi-tcp-listeners arg

Registers multiple remote listeners (plain TCP/IP based) for specified host and port.

For example:


--register-multi-ssl-listeners arg

Registers multiple remote listeners (SSL/TLS encrypted TCP/IP) for specified host and port.

For example:


--register-tcp-heartbeat-listeners arg

Registers remote heartbeat listeners (plain TCP/IP based) for specified host and port.

For example:


--register-ssl-heartbeat-listeners arg

Registers remote heartbeat listeners (SSL/TLS encrypted TCP/IP) for specified host and port.

For example:


--tcp-listener-id arg

Sets a specific unique ID for the TCP listener.

For example:

--tcp-listener-id=d2ab72dd-0d46-488a-a a05-0ddc19794c60

--ssl-listener-id arg

Sets a specific unique ID for the SSL listener.

For example:

--ssl-listener-id=a7c3f31d-81ba-4ec5-b 65b-cce8dd0d609e

Remote Discovery Options

Enables network discovery for ZeroMQ based remote surveillance.

For example:



Enables network discovery for plain TCP/IP based remote surveillance.

For example:



Enables network discovery for SSL based remote surveillance.

For example:


Batch Mode

You can start optiSLang and execute a workflow without opening the user interface. To start batch mode on either Windows or Linux, run the following command:

optislang -b [additional options] project files

Note:  If you use this command to run the optislang.exe file, the program is executed in a separate terminal that closes automatically when finished.

If you run just the optislang -b part of the command, a list of all command parameters is displayed.

Informational Options
--help (-h)Displays an overview of all command line parameters.
--version (-v)Displays optiSLang version information.
--support-infoDisplays support information.
Mode of Operation Options
--runRuns the specified projects (default).

Note:  You can also open and run a project by using optislang -b path/to/project.opf.

--no-runDoes not run the specified projects.
--check-onlyChecks if the specified project can be executed, but do not run it.
--export-dotCreates a dotty file (
--purgePurges the project using purge settings specified in the project.
--purge-defaultPurges the project using default purge settings.
--purge-file (filter file)Purges the project using the filter provided by the filter file.
--export-purge-filter (filter file)Exports the project's purge settings to a filter file.
--encrypt-python-extension Encrypts the provided Python file as a new .pye file while preserving the original file. When a directory is provided, each Python file found in the directory structure below is encrypted by creating a .pye file accordingly. The .pye files can be used in Python import statements like regular .py file based modules.
Batch Mode Options
--new=path/to/project_new.opfCreates a new project in the provided path.
--forceForces projects to be processed, even if they are incomplete (can be used for damaged projects).
--restoreRestores the project from the last save point (if present).
--resetResets projects before running them.
--export-project-properties (project properties file)Exports a project properties file.
--import-project-properties (project properties file)Imports a project properties file.
--output-file (output file)Writes project run results to an output file.
--dump-project-state[=arg(=project_state.json)]Dumps full project state when execution finished.
--include-non-scalar-valuesIncludes non-scalar (result) values in project dump.
--include-algorithm-infoIncludes algorithm information in project dump.
--save-mode arg

Overrides the save mode of working directory contents. Valid arguments are:

  • external: Keep in working directory (default)

  • embedded: Store in project file

--use-project-dir-as-working-dirUses directory containing the project file as working directory.
--project-password argUnlocks password protected projects with the provided password.
--project-password-file password file nameUnlocks password protected projects with the provided password file.
--no-saveDo not save the specified projects after all other actions have been completed.
Script Options
--python (-p) path/to/

Runs a Python script before processing each project.

Scripts running in the Python pane behave identically in batch mode. The batch mode workflow for each project is:

  1. Create a project (using --new) or open a project.

  2. Execute all listed scripts.

  3. Run the system or workflow.

  4. Save the project.

  • Use --no-run to prevent a project from running.

  • Use --script-arg or --script-args to pass arguments to the script.


optislang -b --new PyExample.opf --python examples/python/console/

This command creates a new project, executes the script, and runs the system.

--script-arg argPasses an argument to the Python script.
--script-args "arg1 arg2 arg3 ..."Passes multiple arguments to the Python script (separated by spaces).
Placeholder Options
--import-values (*.placeholders) Imports a placeholder values file.
--export-values (*.placeholders)Exports a placeholder values file after assignment.
--autorelocate[=path/to/filesource] Automatically relocates external file paths (the external file source is optional, the default is the project base directory).
File Registration Options
--file-provider actionPerforms an action for all registered files. Valid actions are ReceiveAll and SendAll.
--file-provider-export (*.csv)Exports a file containing definitions for all registered files.
Postprocessing Options
--start-monitoringStarts optiSLang monitoring.
--command-script [-s] scriptSets the monitoring command script.
--monitoring-mode [-m] arg

Sets the monitoring mode. Valid arguments are:

  • 0: Auto-detect the mode from the monitoring database file (default)

  • 1: Statistics monitoring

  • 2: Reliability monitoring

  • 3: Optimization monitoring

  • 4: Approximation monitoring

--template-file [-t] template fileSets the monitoring template file.
--text-import-settings-file argSets the settings file used for importing text files.
--text-import-interactiveOpens up the Text Import wizard when using text-import-settings-file.
--export-omdb-path argDirectly create an *.omdb file at the provided path.

Connects to the local server at the specified server ID.

For example:



Connects to a remote server (plain TCP/IP).

For example:



Connects to a remote server (SSL/TLS encrypted TCP/IP).

For example:



Connects to a remote server (ZeroMQ based).

For example:


--system-name nameSets the name of the system to monitor.
--system-state-hid IDSets the state ID of the system to monitor.
Common Server Options
--server-password argSubmits the server password. Use when communication with the server requires the request to contain a password entry.

Writes the server information file using the file path specified. If an absolute path is not supplied, it is considered to be relative to the project working directory.

For example:


--log-server-eventsDisplays server events in the Message log pane.
--enable-notifications arg

Subscribe to push notifications sent to the listener.

For example:

--enable-notifications LOG_WARNING LOG_ERROR

Available push notifications are:



















Shut down when execution is finished.

Local Server Options
--enable-local-server arg

Enables local surveillance on a specified server ID. On Windows, use named pipes and on Unix, use local domain sockets.

For example:


--register-local-listener arg

Registers local listener for specified server ID.

For example:


--register-multi-local-listeners arg

Registers multiple local listeners for specified server ID.

For example:

--register-multi-local-listeners 123 456 789

--register-local-heartbeat-listeners arg

Registers local heartbeat listeners for specified server ID.

For example:

--register-local-heartbeat-listeners 123 456 789

--local-listener-id arg

Sets a specific unique ID for the local listener.

For example:


Remote Server Options

Enables remote surveillance (plain TCP/IP based), the port indication is optional [5310-5399].

For example:

--enable-tcp-server=5555 or --enable-tcp-server=5300-5700


Enables remote surveillance (SSL/TLS encrypted TCP/IP), the port indication is optional [5310-5399].

For example:

--enable-ssl-server=5555 or --enable-ssl-server=5300-5700


Enables remote surveillance (ZeroMQ based), the port indication is optional [5310-5399].

For example:

--enable-sv=5555 or --enable-sv=5300-5700

--server-address arg

Sets the remote surveillance server address. If not specified, the server listens on all interfaces.

For example:


--register-tcp-listener arg

Registers the remote listener (plain TCP/IP based) for specified host and port.

For example:


--register-ssl-listener arg

Registers the remote listener (SSL/TLS encrypted TCP/IP) for specified host and port.

For example:


--register-multi-tcp-listeners arg

Registers multiple remote listeners (plain TCP/IP based) for specified host and port.

For example:


--register-multi-ssl-listeners arg

Registers multiple remote listeners (SSL/TLS encrypted TCP/IP) for specified host and port.

For example:


--register-tcp-heartbeat-listeners arg

Registers remote heartbeat listeners (plain TCP/IP based) for specified host and port.

For example:


--register-ssl-heartbeat-listeners arg

Registers remote heartbeat listeners (SSL/TLS encrypted TCP/IP) for specified host and port.

For example:


--tcp-listener-id arg

Sets a specific unique ID for the TCP listener.

For example:

--tcp-listener-id=d2ab72dd-0d46-488a-a a05-0ddc19794c60

--ssl-listener-id arg

Sets a specific unique ID for the SSL listener.

For example:

--ssl-listener-id=a7c3f31d-81ba-4ec5-b 65b-cce8dd0d609e

Remote Discovery Options

Enables network discovery for ZeroMQ based remote surveillance.

For example:



Enables network discovery for plain TCP/IP based remote surveillance.

For example:



Enables network discovery for SSL based remote surveillance.

For example:


Example Commands

Example 1: Run an Existing Project

optislang -b ~/Documents/project.opf

Example 2: Create a New Project

optislang -b --new ~/Documents/projectNew.opf

Example 3: Create and Run a New Project then Run the Existing Project

optislang -b --new ~/Documents/projectNew.opf ~/Documents/project.opf

Example 4: Run an Existing Project, Create a New Project, then Run Another Existing Project

optislang -b ~/Documents/project1.opf --new ~/Documents/project2.opf ~/Documents/project3.opf