Reliability Slots

All reliability systems are based on an algorithm system which is based on a parametric system. Accordingly an reliability system has all slots of an algorithm system, a parametric system and the following ones.

Slot NameSlot typeData TypeDescription
NominalDesignX  The design to be used as nominal design.
NominalDesignsX  A container of nominal designs. First entry will be used.
NominalDesign X Nominal design of reliability analysis.
EstimatorsStdDev X The probability of failure estimated from random sampling is a random variable itself. EstimatorsStdDev is the standard deviation of the estimation.
POF X Probability of failure
POIF X Inverse probability of failure
ReliabilityIndex X The reliability index beta is defined as the closest distance between origin (mean) and limit state surface in standard normal space. It is related to a simulated probability of failure by Pf = Phi(-beta), with Phi: standard Gaussian CDF.
InputImportances X Provides the sensitivities of every input parameter used in the reliability algorithm concerning the determined failure probability. This information is available for Adaptive Sampling, Plain Monte Carlo, FORM and ISPUD.