This node is for autoparametrization of MIDAS task files (*.xml). After selecting this file, the node provides all existing outputs as a table containing names, values, types, and lables. Each row can be added as a response or output slot using drag and drop.

Expected File Content

The standard output file content is shown in the following example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<curve type="standard" xmlns:broker="http://www.hpcportal.de/">
    <baureihe>ETK 2.x</baureihe>
    <beschreibung>Beispiel 1</beschreibung>
    <beschreibung2>Time - Displacement</beschreibung2>
    <lastfall>LF 1</lastfall>
    <variant>Variante 5</variant>
  <id digits="0" format="i" type="nodeid">17001003</id>
  <char_value abscissa="55.30000000000056" abscissa_digits="7"
    abscissa_format="f" abscissa_unit="ms"
    char_value="X-Displacements" digits="7" format="f"
    type="y-min" unit="mm">-0.15955431594101457</char_value>
  <x_axis unit="ms">Time</x_axis>
  <y_axis unit="mm">Displacement</y_axis>
Extracted Information

For each supported parameter type, the following information is extracted:

  • Name

  • Value

  • Type

  • Label

Run Options

This node has general Run Options. The number of supported options is individual for each node.

Supported Versions

See the Supported Integration Versions table.