Filing Incident Reports

To file an incident report, send an email to with a precise and reproducible description of the usage scenario, the expected behavior, and the experienced behavior.

For a crash, your report should contain:

  • Name and version number of your operating system.

  • Description of the oSP3D version found in the About dialog box.

  • Files log_messages.txt, autosave.ssc, and processed_commands.txt. You can find these files in:

    • sos_log in the working directory

    • %USERHOME%\AppData\Local\Dynardo\Statistics on Structures on Microsoft Windows

    • $HOME/.local/share/data/Dynardo/Statistics on Structures on Linux

    • sos_log directory if the present working directory that oSP3D was started from is writeable to the executing user

    Note:  If the last commands in autosave.ssc and processed_commands.txt differ, the crash very likely appeared within the respective command. If they are equal, the crash appeared either in the rendering engine or while invoking some GUI events. In this case, try to remember and include in your report what you did with the mouse and keyboard during the crash, what GUI element got the keyboard focus, and what data objects were visible in the GUI tables.

  • Description of the project, including the number of nodes and elements in the reference mesh and the file formats that were used.