oSP3D Terms

oSP3D uses these terms:

ActivityActive samples are typically input for all statistical algorithms. Inactive samples are ignored.
ComponentSubset or selection of a group of finite element nodes or finite elements.
Data objectSingle field data object or scalar number. A data object represents a specific field realization and can be visualized.
Design identifierName of the sample (number) or name of a specific result.
Design numberUnique number of a sample.
Element dataField data type where a single discrete value is stored at each finite element.
Field amplitudeScalar parameter that weighs the influence of a scatter shape onto the variation of a field quantity.
Generated dataData objects created by oSP3D. Generated data includes scalar samples and result objects of hot spots.
Hot spotDenotes the location of potential failure. This depends on the used robustness definition. It is typically the point with largest scatter (standard deviation, value range) or extremal quantile value.
Missing itemDenotes a single or multiple component in a field data object vector for which no data exists. Missing items are used to indicate eroded elements, errors in result computations, and errors in projection algorithms.
NeighborNeighbors are data objects that belong to the respective data object.
Node dataField data type where a single discrete value is stored at each finite element node.
PartNamespace (="scope") within the finite element structure. Each part defines its own node and element numbering space.
QuantitySet of data objects with equal quantity identifier.
Quantity identifierName of the physical quantity associated with a set of data objects.
Random field componentsDescriptive parameters of a random field model, such as field amplitudes.
Random field decompositionMethodology for building a random field model, such as a decomposition of field samples.
Random field modelNumerical representation of variations on a FEM mesh with respect to parameters (scaling coefficients).
Reference componentsNamed selections or groups of nodes or elements that define a substructure of the FEM mesh. The reference node set and reference element set are components that are used to store all statistical data. The fixed node set defines the part of the surface that is not changed in case of geometric deviations.
Reference dictionaryTemplate defining the contents of any design directory used for import and export.
Reference meshFEM mesh on which all statistical data are stored, visualized, and computed.
Result objectData object with a design identifier that is not a number. The latter case would be a sample object.
Scalar dataScalar number.
Scatter shapeField data object that associates a variation of some field quantity to the respective field amplitude with value 1.
Spatially global sensitivity analysisSensitivity analysis based on a field-MOP (metamodel of optimal prognosis), which is a plotting of the field COP (coefficient of prognosis) on the mesh.
Spatially local sensitivity analysisSensitivity analysis at a hot spot (MOP of scalar parameters).
SupersetIn mathematics, especially in set theory, a superset is the opposite of a subset.
Update stateIf a data object is marked as needs update at least one of its masters or neighbors was deleted or recomputed since its creation.
VariationAmount of explainable variation by the random field model with respect to the true scatter.
  • Global variation is a single (average) value describing the variation for the whole field.

  • Local variation is a field quantity that defines the variation for each position on the mesh.