Exporting LS-DYNA Mesh Input Files

As mentioned in Exporting a Geometry, the oSP3D LS-DYNA export interface cannot write a ready-to-use LS-DYNA input file from start to finish because the oSP3D kernel does not provide the information needed to do so. The interface exports only the mesh definition and any existing node or element set that meets the requirements in Importing LS-DYNA Input Files.

The export interface uses the following keywords on output:

*KEYWORDIndicates the start of an LS-DYNA mesh file.
*TITLEOutputs the project title if not empty.
*ELEMENT_SHELLTranslates oSP3D shell element definitions into LS-DYNA shell element definitions. Check the comment line in the output file.
*ELEMENT_SOLIDTranslates oSP3D solid element definitions into LS-DYNA solid element definitions. Check the comment line in the output file.
*NODEOutputs the x, y, and z coordinates in the global coordinate system.
*SET_NODE_LIST_{TITLE}Exports node sets using their set ID equally in LS-DYNA if, and only if, it can be converted into a valid numerical LS-DYNA set identifier. Otherwise, oSP3D generates a unique identifier using the set identifier from oSP3D as optional _{TITLE} in LS-DYNA.
*SET_SHELL_LIST_{TITLE}Splits element sets of oSP3D into element type-dependent set definitions in LS-DYNA and handles set identifier assignments as per the description for *SET_NODE_LIST_{TITLE}.
*SET_SOLID_LIST_{TITLE}See the description for *SET_SHELL_LIST_{TITLE}.

The export interface tries to keep oSP3D indices as long as possible, intervening in the following cases only:

  • Index spaces starting in oSP3D at 0 are shifted by one to meet LS-DYNA requirements.

  • If oSP3D contains several parts, the exporter interface automatically translates the index space into a continuous one. Furthermore, it generates node sets for each part, including all nodes of the respective part in a separate node set. Node sets generated this way have indices starting one after the last node set definition and an optional title set to the respective part identifier if not empty.

For titles written by the export interface, oSP3D does not translate any identifier into the restricted character set supported by LS-DYNA.