Importing LS-DYNA Input Files

Typical file extensions for LS-DYNA input files are .k or .dynain, although the oSP3D LS-DYNA import interface accepts all file extensions.

With respect to the input file format specifications given in Keyword and Theory Manuals, oSP3D supports only some of its syntax elements. The following list of limitations is not exhaustive:

  • The oSP3D LS-DYNA import interface supports the keyword input format only.

  • The oSP3D LS-DYNA import interface reads input decks from the first line onward. It does not require the *KEYWORD card. An optional memory size specified after the word KEYWORD is ignored. You cannot control the memory size that is used.

  • The entire LS-DYNA input deck is order-independent, with the exception of the optional keyword *END, which can define the end of the input deck before encountering the end of the file.

  • Other than stated in Keyword and Theory Manuals, the general keyword card format is not limited to 80 characters. The oSP3D LS-DYNA import interface reads until reaching a line break sequence.

  • oSP3D supports the fixed standard format only. It does not support CSV or long-formated input cards. Format switches can result in parsing errors.

  • The usage of the format indication signs + and are ignored. Fixed standard format is still read.

Due to LS-DYNA input interface limitations, each passed input file must contain a valid finite element mesh definition. This definition can be given with the following keywords, which do not have any extra keyword options. All other keywords are ignored.

*NODEDefines a node in the global coordinate system. Options are not supported
*ELEMENT_SHELL_{THICKNESS}Defines three, four, six, and eight node elements, whereas oSP3D supports only three and four node elements. The option THICKNESS is supported.
*ELEMENT_SOLIDDefines 3D solid elements including 4-noded tetrahedrons and 8-noded hexahedrons. No options are supported. For elements with 4 or 8 nodes, the cards in the format of LS-DYNA versions 940-970 are still supported.
*INITIAL_STRAIN_SHELLInitializes strain tensor for a shell element. No options are supported.
*INITIAL_STESS_SHELLInitializes stresses, history variables, and the effective plastic strain for a shell element. No options are supported.
*SET_NODE_{LIST}_{TITLE}Defines groups of nodes. Two options are supported: LIST and TITLE.

Note:  The oSP3D installation includes a simple LS-DYNA input file: lsdyna.k. For more information, see Input File Examples.