Configuring Licensing

Complete the following procedure to set up optiSLang licensing with an Ansys license server and installation. For more details on Ansys licensing, see the Ansys, Inc. Licensing Guide.

  1. If you are using borrowed licenses, ensure your Ansys installation is version 19.0 or later.

    Borrowing licenses allows you to check out license features to your computer for some time (usually several days) and work offline (without network connection to a license server).

  2. Install and configure an Ansys version 19.0 or later license server that includes the dynardo_osl and/or dynardo_osp features.

  3. Create one of the following environmental variables set up on the system where optiSLang is installed:

      • ANSYS[VERSIONNUMBER]_DIR environment variable pointing to an Ansys installation with working Ansys licensing

      • ANSYSLIC_DIR environment variable pointing to the common license installation directory shared by any Ansys version on the computer

      • ANSYSLMD_LICENSE_FILE environment variable pointing to the FLEXlm daemon on the server using the format port@host

  4. To override the content of ANSYSLMD_LICENSE_FILE exclusively for the scope of Ansys licensing of an instance of optiSLang, create the DYNARDO_ANSYSLMD_LICENSE_FILE_OVERRIDE environment variable.

    This does not affect Ansys components that are called or connected from within this instance of optiSLang.

Note:  The presence of an optiSLang verbosity level greater than zero silently activates debug output (ANS_FLEXLM_DEBUG) for the scope of Ansys licensing in optiSLang.