Using the MOP Solver Programming Interface

In addition to the standalone interface, you can also use a programming interface to the MOP Solver. This C based API allows the MOP Solver to be embedded in various programming environments.

To get started with the MOP Solver C API, usage examples and reference documentation are provided.

The MOP Solver installation and its API is located within the optiSLang base installation ( [installation path] ) and includes the following directory structure.

[installation path]/tools/mopsolver/doc/ .../html/index.html API reference documentation.
[installation path]/tools/mopsolver/bin/ [installation path]/tools/mopsolver/lib/

MOP Solver executable with it's dependencies. This install package contains the library parts that are necessary to use the MOPSolver API.

Libraries for other platforms or programming environments can be requested.

mopsolver.dll Windows library compiler. Built with the Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 Professional programming environment. Linux library compiler. Built with gcc 7.3.0.
[installation path]/tools/mopsolver/include/mopsolver_api.h -The MOP Solver header file.
[installation path]/tools/mopsolver/examples -Sample applications with documented source code and the corresponding optiSLang monitoring database file.