2.6.6. Pre-Test Worksheet

The first table in the Pre-Test Worksheet is used to control the modes used in the Pre-Test Calculator:


The table is populated with the modes from the analysis. If a given mode is selected/cleared, it will be used/ignored in the subsequent Sensor and Exciter Identification. This action can also be triggered by selecting several rows in the table and applying the Use/Unuse right-click action.

The second and third tables in the worksheet are used to control the local Coordinate System at each sensor and exciter location. Both tables are initially empty and have the following right-click actions:


If a sensor or exciter is selected/cleared, it is displayed/hidden in the Geometry view. This action supports multi-selection (if several rows are selected, the Show/Hide action is applied to all selected rows). Additionally, the AutoMAC Table is updated dynamically, considering only sensors selected in the second table.


This action is only available for the second table (Sensors Table). It allows you to add sensors to the analysis after selecting nodes in the Geometry view (only selection of nodes is allowed). The AutoMAC Table is also updated once this action is completed.

You can also add sensors before the analysis.

In the Sensors Table, the Method used to find the sensor is shown in the last column.

In addition to the tables, there is a Details view at the top of the third table that has the following properties:

Number of Exciters

Integer property that changes the number of exciters that are considered. Changing this value triggers a dynamic update of the Pre-Test Worksheet plot.

Exciter and Sensor Icon Scale Factor

Scale factor property that controls the size of exciter and sensor icons (arrows and spheres).


Each column in the table contains the following information:

CS Definition

Similar to the Coordinate System Definition Properties for sensor and exciter definition, this property allows you to switch between Program Controlled and User-Defined, and in this case it only affects the individual sensor or exciter that is modified.

User Defined CS

Similar to the User Defined CS Properties for sensor and exciter definition, this property allows you to scope a previously defined Coordinate System to an individual sensor or exciter. It is only available if the CS Definition at the given row is scoped to User Defined.


Read-only column that shows the order of the sensors/exciters according to their algorithm (EIM/MDPFRF). Sensors and exciters in the table are sorted based on this value.

The Sensor table has one additional column:


Read-only column that indicates the method used for sensor selection. EIM stands for Effective Independence Method, while Manual refers to the user-defined sensors.

The Exciter table also has one additional column:


Read-only column that indicates the value of the Maximum Driving Point Frequency Response Function, calculated according to the Exciter Identification Method.

The second and third tables have four additional actions that can be accessed through the buttons displayed at the top:

Display sensor/exciter IDs

Shows the sensor/exciter IDs in the Geometry view, allowing for easier identification.

Analyze Sensor Mass Effect

Click this button to start the Sensor Mass Effect Analysis workflow.

Create Named Selections for Sensors and Exciters

Allows the creation of a Named Selection for selected sensors and exciters.

Export to UNV file

Allows the export of selected sensor and exciter information in unv format after each generation of the Pre-Test Calculator. _sensors and _exciters suffixes are added to the chosen filename.