2.3.5. UNV Node Worksheet

The UNV Node Worksheet is displayed when the unv file is set. It shows the nodes present in the unv file, with their Node Number and Coordinates (X, Y, Z). It has the following features:

  • Selected nodes are highlighted in green in the Geometry pane.

  • Coordinates are editable in the Worksheet.

  • A check mark in a node's check box indicates that the node will be employed in the subsequent MAC calculations. Toggle a node's checked status by clicking its check box, or by using the Show/Hide option on the context menu. Changing the status of any node refreshes the Geometry pane to display only the checked nodes and hide the unchecked nodes.

  • Press the Reset UNV Nodes button above the Worksheet to reset the coordinates to their original values.

  • Press the Show UNV Node Numbers button to display the UNV Node Numbers in labels in the Geometry view.

  • Manually editing the coordinates should be done after aligning the rst and unv models through the properties listed under File 2 Options in the MAC Calculator Details. If the nodes are edited and then any option (Coordinate System/RB Transformation/3 Node Alignment) is changed, the node location is reset.