Steady State Thermal Analysis of 3D Hollow Spheres with Temperature Boundary Condition


Reference: Kreith, F. (1959). Principles of Heat Transfer (2nd ed.). International Textbook Co.
Analysis Type(s): Steady State Thermal
Element Type(s): Solid
Input Files:Link to Input Files Download Page

Test Case

A hollow sphere has an inner surface temperature Ta of 0°C at ra and an outer surface temperature of 1°C at rb. The material of the hollow sphere is isotropic. Compute the steady state temperature at rc = 3.51419 m.

Figure 23: Problem Sketch

Problem Sketch

Material PropertiesGeometric PropertiesLoading
k = 1 W/(m°C)ra = 2 mTa= 0°C
rb = 5.02839 mTb = 1°C

Analysis Assumptions and Modeling Notes

LS-DYNA Thermal Solver 11 is used. Three hollow spheres in this example are modeled using ELFORM = 1, 4, and 16. The temperature boundary conditions are applied using the keywords *BOUNDARY_TEMPERATURE.

The modeling of the sphere is accomplished using one eighth symmetry. The heat flow is limited to be only in the radial direction.

At steady state, the rate of heat dissipation Q:

Where the thermal resistances Rac and Rbc can be expressed as below:

From the above equations, the analytical solution of Tc is obtained as 0.715438°C.

Figure 24: Hollow sphere models with hex, tet4 and tet10 element meshes

Hollow sphere models with hex, tet4 and tet10 element meshes

Figure 25: Fringe plot of temperature °C for each model

Fringe plot of temperature °C for each model

Results Comparison

 TargetLS-DYNAError (%)
Temperature at rc (hex)0.715438°C0.714271°C0.16%
Temperature at rc (tet4)0.715438°C0.714746°C0.097%
Temperature at rc (tet10)0.715438°C0.721018°C0.78%