A sample demonstrating how to fit a NURBS surface to mesh.
This tutorial uses the Keyword file meshtosurface.k. In the pulldown menu, go to File > Open > LS-DYNA Keyword File, choose meshtosurface.k. You will see the following mesh model displayed in LSPrePost mainpage.
Click the menu button Fit surface from Points/Mesh dialog and Mesh Selection dialog are shown.
> > . BothSelect Mesh Option. Select the ByPart radio button in the Selection panel.
. An initial surface is generated. The right picture shows the initial surface, and the left picture shows the details at the corner position.A message is printed in the bottom dialog: Control point #:u=21 v=31; max dev:0.439477,mean dev:0.104203. This message reports that the initial surface has 21 control points in U-direction and 31 control points in V-direction, the maximum deviation between surface and mesh nodes is 0.439477, the mean deviation is 0.104203. The maximum deviation is under the default threshold setting 0.5 .
Set the parameter Max Tol to 0.3
. Click the
button. The surface is updated. The message reports
'Control point #:u=27 v=38; max dev:0.256196,mean dev:0.054895.
Set the parameter Max Tol to 0.1
. Click the
button again. The surface is updated. The message
reports 'Control point #:u=33 v=43; max dev:0.093604,mean dev:0.016271'. You will
see the updated surface is very near to the corner point position from the following
Set the parameter Max Tol to
. Click the button again.
The surface is updated. The message reports 'Control point #:u=40 v=48; max
dev:0.049742,mean dev:0.009516'.
When you decrease the max tolerence threshold, the surface control point number will increase in both of U-direction and V-direction in order to get more details for higher precision.