6.1. Case Study: Single Surface from Mesh

A sample demonstrating how to fit a NURBS surface to mesh.

6.1.1. Open Keyword File

This tutorial uses the Keyword file meshtosurface.k. In the pulldown menu, go to File > Open > LS-DYNA Keyword File, choose meshtosurface.k. You will see the following mesh model displayed in LSPrePost mainpage.

Figure 6.1: A Mesh Model

A Mesh Model

6.1.2. Fit Surface from Mesh

Click the menu button Geometry > Surface > Fit from Points/mesh. Both Fit surface from Points/Mesh dialog and Mesh Selection dialog are shown.

Figure 6.2: Dialog for Selecting Mesh

Dialog for Selecting Mesh

6.1.3. Select Mesh by Part

Select Mesh Option. Select the ByPart radio button in the Selection panel.

Figure 6.3: Mesh Option

Mesh Option

6.1.4. Preview the Surface

Click Preview. An initial surface is generated. The right picture shows the initial surface, and the left picture shows the details at the corner position.

Figure 6.4: Preview Surface

Preview Surface

A message is printed in the bottom dialog: Control point #:u=21 v=31; max dev:0.439477,mean dev:0.104203. This message reports that the initial surface has 21 control points in U-direction and 31 control points in V-direction, the maximum deviation between surface and mesh nodes is 0.439477, the mean deviation is 0.104203. The maximum deviation is under the default threshold setting 0.5 .

Figure 6.5: Tolerance


6.1.5. Change the Tolerance

Set the parameter Max Tol to 0.3. Click the Fit button. The surface is updated. The message reports 'Control point #:u=27 v=38; max dev:0.256196,mean dev:0.054895.

6.1.6. Decrease the Tolerance

Set the parameter Max Tol to 0.1. Click the Fit button again. The surface is updated. The message reports 'Control point #:u=33 v=43; max dev:0.093604,mean dev:0.016271'. You will see the updated surface is very near to the corner point position from the following picture.

Figure 6.6: Improved Surface

Improved Surface

6.1.7. Increase the Tolerance

Set the parameter Max Tol to 0.05. Click the Fit button again. The surface is updated. The message reports 'Control point #:u=40 v=48; max dev:0.049742,mean dev:0.009516'.

When you decrease the max tolerence threshold, the surface control point number will increase in both of U-direction and V-direction in order to get more details for higher precision.

6.1.8. Add the Surface

When you get the satisfactory surface, click Apply to add the surface into database.