Unstructured and Multi-block Structured Meshes

The hexa mesh can be output in either unstructured or multi-block structured format. The format decision can be delayed until after you have finished the whole meshing process when the output file format is selected.

Unstructured Mesh Output

The unstructured mesh output feature will produce a single mesh output file where all common nodes on the block interfaces are merged, independent of the number of blocks in the model.

Multi-block Structured Mesh Output

Used for solvers that accept multi-block structured meshes, this output feature will produce a mesh output file for every block in the topology model. For example, if the block model has 55 blocks, there will be 55 output files created in the output directory.

Additionally, without merging any of the nodes at the block interfaces, the Output Block feature enables you to minimize the number of output files generated with the multi-block structured approach. See Pre-Mesh > Output Blocks.

The mesh output file(s) is (are) created from the context-sensitive menu under Blocking > Pre-Mesh in the Display tree.