Meshing Directives


Get the list of internal directive names.

ic_meshdirect_get_icon_direction directive source_family target_family source_type [""] target_type [""]

ic_meshdirect_icons_visibility family vis

ic_meshdirect_add_icon directive source_family target_family [""] source_type [""] target_type [""]

ic_meshdirect_delete_icon directive families

Removes the icons for a particular family/bctype combination.

ic_meshdirect_delete_icon_on_ents type ents

Remove the icons for entities if deleted.

ic_meshdirect_arbitrary_connector_set source_fams source_type target_fam target_type result_fam extra_args [""]

Higher-level interface for setting meshing directives for arbitrary connectors.

ic_meshdirect_boltspider_set bolthole_fams result_fam extra_args [""]

Higher-level interface for setting meshing directives for bolt-holes/bolt-spiders.

ic_meshdirect_boltspider_set_mesh_sizes bolthole_fams

ic_meshdirect_seamweld_set source_fams target_fam result_fam extra_args [""]

Higher-level interface for setting meshing directives for seam welding.

ic_meshdirect_spotweld_set source_fams target_fam result_fam extra_args [""]

Higher-level interface for setting meshing directives for spot welding.


Gets the verbose list of current possible types of spotwelds This is good for getting a list of methods for a GUI, each element of which ic_meshdirect_* procs will recognize later.

ic_meshdirect_spotweld_types_verbose_get param

Returns the meshing_directive val for the given verbose human text which should be an element of the list given by ic_meshdirect_spotweld_types_verbose_list.


Gets the verbose list of current possible types of spotwelds This is good for getting a list of methods for a GUI, each element of which ic_meshdirect_* procs will recognize later.

ic_meshdirect_seamweld_types_verbose_get param

Returns the meshing_directive val for the given verbose human text which should be an element of the list given by ic_meshdirect_seamweldtypes_types_verbose_list.

ic_meshdirect_spotweld_types_param_get verbose_type

Returns the meshing_directive tag for the given verbose human text which should be an element of the list given by ic_meshdirect_spotweld_types_verbose_list.

ic_meshdirect_seamweld_types_param_get verbose_type

Returns the meshing_directive tag for the given verbose human text which should be an element of the list given by ic_meshdirect_seamweld_types_verbose_list.


Gets the verbose list of current possible splitting options for spotwelds This is good for getting a list of methods for a GUI, each element of which ic_meshdirect_* procs will recognize later.

ic_meshdirect_weld_splitting_param_get verbose_type

Returns the meshing_directive tag for the given verbose human text which should be an element of the list given by ic_meshdirect_spotweld_types_verbose_list.

ic_meshdirect_weld_splitting_verbose_get param

ic_meshdirect_glinka_side_param_get verbose_type

ic_meshdirect_glinka_subtype_verbose_get param

Gets verbose glinka subtypes.

ic_meshdirect_glinka_side_verbose_get param

ic_meshdirect_directive_set_vals_by_tag directive fams vals

This is for use by MED GUI.

ic_meshdirect_directive_set_val_by_tag directive fams tag val

This is for use by MED GUI.

ic_meshdirect_directive_get_val_by_tag directive fam tag

This is for use by MED GUI.


Determines if the loaded tetin has meshing directives defined.

ic_meshdirect_get_directive_of_fam famnames

Returns the meshing directive defined on a family, or the first found for a list of families.

ic_meshdirect_directive_uses_family given_fam

Returns whether or not the given family is used in any meshing directives.


Returns whether or not the given family is used in any meshing directives.

ic_meshdirect_directive_tags_get directive

This is for use by MED GUI.

ic_meshdirect_spotweld_file_import filename args [""]

----> Weld importing needs doc.

ic_meshdirect_standalone_exec idomain tetin odomain [""] args

Executes meshing directives. Run meshing directives, using the given input mesh idomain and tetin files and, optionally, the output mesh odomain. The full path names must be given. One or more directive arguments may be given. These arguments are:

  • -spotweld : run the spotweld directives defined in the tetin

  • -seamweld: run the seamweld directives defined in the tetin

  • -boltspider: run the boltspider directives defined in the tetin

  • -connector: run the connector directives defined in the tetin

  • -pml: run the pml directives defined in the tetin

ic_meshdirect_object_exec types args [""]

Run meshing directives, using the mesh and proj objects in memory. Any number of these directive types may be given:

  • spotweld: run the spotweld directives defined in the tetin

  • seamweld: run the seamweld directives defined in the tetin

  • boltspider: run the boltspider directives defined in the tetin

  • connector: run the connector directives defined in the tetin

  • pml: run the pml directives defined in the tetin

Additionally, options can be specified in args such as:

  • -remesh_affected_elements: remesh elements affected by directive

ic_meshdirect_weld_prepoint_standard ppname args

Creates a standard (BAR/LINE) weld from the prescribed point ppname in source family source_fam to the target family target_fam, putting the weld in weld_fam.

ic_meshdirect_weld_prepoint ppname args

Creates a weld of some type from the prescribed point ppname in source family source_fam to the target family target_fam, putting the weld in weld_fam.

ic_meshdirect_spot_weld args

Creates a spot weld using the following flags as arguments:

One of these methods for source point location: @ -location {%F %F %F}

Coords of location to weld at @ -prepoint %S

Name of prepoint of location to weld at, kind of weld to create there: @ -method %S one of {standard, meshless_hex, meshless_area, meshless_bar, shadow}, (default is standard)

A bit more on how to create it: @ -maxprojection %F maximum length of weld (default is infinity) @ -element_splitting %S one of { terminate, propagate, remesh_all_quad, remesh_tri_quad}; (default is terminate)

For an AreaWeld, you can specify how large an area: @ -radius %F radius of area_weld coverage.

To manage the parts/families which it connects: @ -target_family %S family to which to weld @ -source_family %S family from which to weld (syn. of -target_family). Note that target can have multiple definitions, each of which will be targeted.

To specify what to do with new elements: @ -spotweld_family %S family for weld elements to go into @ -rbe3_family %S family for rbe3 element to go into

ic_meshdirect_spot_weld_shadow_points_create args

Creates shadow points for the given arguments.

ic_meshdirect_entity_is_shadow_entity ent_name

ic_meshdirect_spot_weld_shadow_points_on_surface srf

Gets the shadow welds that have been created on the given surface srf.

ic_meshdirect_seam_weld_shadow_curves_create args

Creates shadow curves in the geometry for the seam weld described in the arguments. Example args: "-source_family $locFamOnWhich -target_families $seamTargetFam"

ic_meshdirect_seam_weld_shadow_curves_on_surface srf

Gets all of the shadow curves which have been created on the given surface srf.

ic_meshdirect_enforce_curve_shadow_nodes_on_surfaces source_curves target_surfaces

ic_geo_crv_parent_srf_is_coplanar_to_nearest crv srfs

Returns whether or not the surface incident to crv is coplanar to all of the surfaces in srfs.

ic_meshdirect_seam_weld_glinka_geo_create source_curves target_family extra_args

Returns the list of curves on which the actual directive should be defined. Those curves are not necessarily the source_curves since it is not known whether you will be doing a surface_extend (in which case return the same source_curves) or a curtain_surface (in which case return different source_curves).

ic_meshdirect_seam_weld_glinka_geo_valid glinka_source_family

ic_meshdirect_ensure_good_curtain_connectivity weld_families

ic_meshdirect_setlist directive list

ic_meshdirect_set directive flexentry

ic_meshdirect_reset directives [""] fams [""]

Resets all of the mesh_direct parameters in the tetin file.

ic_meshdirect_get_current_for_flexlist directives [""] fams [""]

Returns the list of parameters from the tetin file, in the style of the flexlist.

ic_meshdirect_find_curve_contacts distance parts [""] weld_args [""]

This procedure finds curves in a part within a distance of other parts. distance is distance between parts. parts is a list of parts to check. weld_args are the weld arguments that need to be passed to ic_meshdirect_seamweld_set