Structured Mesh Editing and Modification Functions


Determines if a mesh exists.


Determines if the mesh has been modified.

ic_str_set_modified mod

Set the structured mesh modified flag.


Indicates something has changed with the families - color, etc. Update all the colors on all the surfaces.

ic_str_ijk_limits num

Returns the ijk limits of a domain.

ic_str_domain_dimension num

Returns the dimension of this domain.

ic_str_domainfile_dimension domain

Returns the dimension of the domain file without loading the domain.

ic_str_get_topo_info what num full

Returns the topology info for this object.

ic_str_get_family what num

Gets the family for an object.

ic_str_get_name what num

Gets the name of an object.

ic_str_get_ijk what num

Gets the IJK ranges of an object.

ic_str_list_in_families what fams

Lists the objects in some families.

ic_str_count_in_families fams

Returns the number of objects are in a given family.

ic_str_adjacent_surfs what num

Lists the adjacent objects for this object - currently only adjacent domains to this domain are supported.

ic_str_boundaries_of_entity what num

List the boundary subfaces for this domain.

ic_str_load domain_prefix topofile famtopofile subfaceprojfile suffices [""] auto_topo [0]

Load the structured mesh in the given dir. The argument auto_topo will force a topology to be created automatically if it does not exist.

ic_str_readexternal backend nfiles files create [1] prec [1] tstep [0] args

Import a number (nfiles) of structured mesh files (files) into a mesh object using the specified backend. The optional argument create (default: 1) allows one to overwrite the current mesh object, while prec (default: 1 [single]) allows one to specify the real-number precision. One can also specify the time step tstep (default: 0) and any additional arguments (args) necessary for the import.

ic_str_settopo merging ask [1]

Sets the topology.


Print a summary of the domains, etc, to the message window.

ic_str_save domain_dir topofile famtopofile subfaceprojfile dompref [domain.]

Saves a structured mesh.

ic_save_domain_proj proj_dir

Save a structured mesh with default filenames in the given project directory.

ic_str_num_entities type

Returns the number of objects of a given type.

ic_str_list_entities type

List the numbers of the objects of a given type.

ic_str_list_entities_visible type vis

List the numbers of the objects of a given type only if visible or blanked.


Lists the families in this mesh.


Clear all the diagnostics from a structured mesh.

ic_str_metric type domains

Compute diagnostics.

ic_str_create_diagnostic_subset vis [1]

Creates a diagnostic cell set.

ic_str_configure_diagnostic_subset args

Configures the diagnostic cell set.

ic_str_set_with_diagnostic intervals domains

Configures the diagnostic cell set.

ic_str_histogram min max nbars domains

Use the diagnostic data for a histogram.

ic_str_copy_domain num

Make a new domain.

ic_str_move_domain num args

Move a domain. The num argument gives the domain to operate on.

  • cent : a list of X Y Z giving the center for rotation, scaling, and mirroring, which could be "centroid"

  • translate : the X Y Z values for translating the entity

  • rotate : the number of degrees to rotate the object about the axis given by rotate_axis

  • rotate_axis : the vector giving the axis to rotate about

  • scale : a scale value, or 3 values giving the factor to scale in X Y and Z

  • mirror : the axis about which to mirror

  • flip_ijk : a triple of 1's and 0's that says whether to flip the IJK axis

  • permute_ijk : a permutation of 0 1 2

ic_str_create_selection_subset vis [1] nodes [0]

Creates a selection cell set, or a node selection surface.


Clears the selection cell set.


Returns the number of nodes.


Returns the bounding box of the selection.

ic_str_domain_orient num

Checks the orientation of a domain.

ic_str_align_all_ijks num stop_num

Align all domains with one domain.


Update all the graphical images.

ic_str_domain_centroid num

Return the centroid of a domain.

ic_str_merge_subfaces num1 num2

Merges two subfaces.

ic_str_split_subface num

Splits one subface.

ic_str_change_family type nums fam

Change the family for an entity.

ic_str_topo_make_surfs stype force

Creates the surfaces of a particular type.

ic_str_recompute_topo do_assign [1] symfams [""]

Recomputes the topology.


This step has to happen before copying domains.

ic_str_dump_topo_info file

Dumps the topology information to a file.

ic_str_configure what nums shade type_color nodes ijk names numbers outlines node_size famcols simplify ijk_shrink width extended changes draw_twin

Change the properties of some surfaces.

ic_str_highlight what nums on color [""]

Temporarily highlight one surface.

ic_str_set_nums_visible type nvals

Enable/disable one surface.

ic_str_set_type_family_visible tvals fvals

Enable/disable multiple families If fvals is blank then enable/disable all types as specified, likewise for tvals. Note that fvals == "" means enable everything even if it is not in any family.

ic_str_scanp_create name color

Create a new scan plane.

ic_str_scanp_set name dom ijk ind ext color

Set a scan plane.

ic_str_scanp_move name dir ext

Move a scan plane.

ic_str_scanp_configure name args

Get or set the config params on a scan plane. If name is "" then this applies to all scan planes.

ic_str_scanp_delete name

Delete a scan plane. If name is "" then delete them all.


List the active scan planes.

ic_str_scanp_exists name

Check whether a scan plane exists.

ic_str_pick_polygon type poly how mode

Pick structured items based on a polygon, how can be item or node.

ic_str_pick_single type x y how

Pick structured items based on a screen position. how can be item or node.

ic_str_add_pick_polygon what poly vect partial

Pick structured nodes based on a polygon, and add them to the selected node surface.

ic_str_add_pick_single what pt vec

Pick structured nodes based on a single location, and add them to the selected node surface.


Add all nodes from the visible scan planes to the selection.


Uniquify the selection.


Push node positions on the selected surface.


Clear node positions on the selected surface.


Pop node positions on the selected surface.

ic_str_drag_nodes startpt pt vec do_proj allow_invert

Drag nodes.


Remove the last selection.

ic_str_check_blockif_surf type number

Check for blockinterface.


Return all blockinterfaces subfaces.

ic_str_list_blockif_surfs type

Return all blockinterfaces of type.


Return all boundary subfaces.


Done smoothing (glsm).

ic_str_post_diagnostic type list show

Post smoothing - create a cellset (glsm).

ic_str_post_add_diagnostic iv list

Post smoothing - add a cellset (glsm).

ic_str_create_zone color shade

Create a non-relaxation/relaxation zone (glsm).

ic_str_delete_zone im

Delete the ijk zone (glsm).

ic_str_configure_zone im param value

Configure the ijk zone (glsm).

ic_str_clear_ijk_zone im

Clear the ijk zone (glsm).

ic_str_add_ijk_zone im dom min max

Add an ijk zone (glsm).

ic_str_scanp_move_zone type number what ext

Move an ijk zone (glsm).

ic_str_get_surf_zone type number

Get image of zone (glsm).

ic_str_smooth_glsm change project smooth_domain face_methods volume_methods niter nsteps maxlevel sfit conditional check_det damping vertex_fix edge_freeze wedge_check multigrid2d reduced_edge fix_fam inner_vol_sm ns_rel angle_freeze_edge n_iter interp_faces interp_volumes prog_select threshold_det threshold_angle subface_extensions ijk_extensions edge_attrib relax_subfaces relaxation_zones viol_geom_zones viol_geom_subfaces base_subfaces_no meshing_law subface_extend direction_vector base_regions type_improve type_postsm proj_limit group_bad_elem smooth_dir mesh_type smooth_ngh_method surfresolv min_mxr edge_no_global_smooth incr_3d_plane_smooth relax_weights_2d relax_weights_3d relax_weights_inner_2d relax_weights_inner_3d n_iter_glb n_steps_glb global_vertices_opp plane_numbers grid_exp_face grid_exp_vol min_res abs_dist_bnd n_points_abs_dist_bnd abs_dist_subf n_abs_dist_subf vertex_attrib relaxation_factor use_orthog_position use_fract_position grid_exp_rate_subf_perp grid_exp_rate_subf_1 first_cell_height last_cell_height use_pthreads num_procs [0] hostfile [""] timeout [0] verbose [0]

Struct smoothing / predefined mesh (glsm).


After struct smoothing/predefined mesh (glsm) clear all.

ic_str_get_num_nodes what num

Get number of nodes.

ic_str_get_bbox what num

Get bounding box.

ic_str_move_nodes_exact what num set_pos dox doy doz xv yv zv

Move nodes.

ic_str_list_vertex_edges numbers

Return all edges from a list of vertices.

ic_str_list_edge_vertices numbers

Return all vertices from a list of edges.