Output Functions

ic_create_output solver domain args

Write an input for a solver. solver is the name of the solver. Currently supported solvers are:

  • "Ansys Fluent"


  • CFX-4

domain is the full pathname to the domain to be used. In the case of a structured mesh this must be a list of the individual structured domain files.

The rest of the arguments are a series of name value pairs. The names depend on the solver being used.

  • "Ansys Fluent"

    • outfilefilename (required) : the .msh file to write

    • bocofilefilename (required) : the family_boco or boco file to use

    • dim2don (default 0) : if 1 write a 2-D mesh

    • set_tolon (default 0) : if 1 specify a tolerance

    • tolval (default 0.0001) : if set_tol was given use this tolerance for the periodic node section

    • resulton (default 0) : if 1 create a .dat file also


    • outputfilefilename (required) : the prefix of the files to write

    • bocofilefilename (required) : the family_boco or boco file to use

    • nstartval (default 5) : starting ICTID number

    • unformat_flagval (default 0) : if 1 write an unformatted output, otherwise formatted

    • no_nodeval (default 0) : do not write a node file

    • no_elemval (default 0) : do not write an elem file

    • no_breadval (default 0) : do not write a bread file

    • no_shellval (default 1) : do not write a shell file

    • versionval (default 3100) : what version of starcd (possible values are 3100 and 3050)

    • laminarval (default 0) : 1 if laminar flow, 0 if turbulent

    • all_bndval (default 0) : if 1 write all boundaries, if 0 only those with a bc assigned

    • inlet_modelval (default keps) : either keps or mixl

    • scaleval (default 0) : if 1 then do scaling

    • xval (default 1.0) : the x scaling value

    • yval (default 1.0) : the y scaling value

    • zval (default 1.0) : the z scaling value

  • CFX-4

    • outputfilefilename (required) : the geometry file to write

    • bocofilefilename (required) : the family_boco or boco file to use

    • topofilefilename (required) : the topology file to use

    • family_topofilename (required) : the family_topo to use

    • topoon (default 0) : create a CFX command file

    • scaleon (default 0) : scale geometry by the given factors

    • xval (default 1) : X factor for scaling

    • yval (default 1) : Y factor for scaling

    • zval (default 1) : Z factor for scaling

    • thicknessval (default 1) : thickness value for 2-D planar grids

ic_export_mesh args

Export mesh.

ic_import_nastran prog outfile rbe3 bars shell projname

Runs import mesh Nastran command.

ic_export_nastran nas_file domain family_boco solver_params large_format vol_v shell_v bar_v

For internal use only.

ic_run_stars_result2df srf_file domain_file mesh_info type

Runs Star's result to domain file translator.