Boundary Condition Editing and Modification Functions

ic_boco_load file

Loads in the boundary condition data from the file.

ic_boco_load_atr file

Loads in the attribute data from the file.

ic_boco_save file

Saves the current boundary condition data to the given file name.

ic_boco_save_atr file ss [""]

Saves a new format bc (.atr) file.


Checks if a family boco file has been loaded.


Checks if the current boco data has been modified since the last save.


Forces the current boco data to be dirty.


Unloads the current family boco data.


Creates an empty boco database.

ic_boco_solver solver [""]

Sets the default solver for an existing boco database. If no solver is given, then it returns the current solver setting.

ic_boco_get fam bctypes [""] not_bctypes [""]

Gets the boundary conditions associated with the given family. They are returned as a list, each element is one boco. Each boco element is a list where the first element is 0 or 1 whether the data is active or not, the second is the type, such as WALL or INT, and the rest are the parameters. For information about what the available types and parameters are, see the Solver Parameters and Boundary Condition Data section for the solver you are interested in. If the bctypes argument is given then only the matching boundary conditions are returned.

ic_get_boco fam

This is the same as ic_boco_get (for backward compatibility only).

ic_boco_set fam bocos

Sets the boundary conditions associated with the given family. They must be given as a list, each element is one boco. Each boco element is a list where the first element is 0 or 1 whether the data is active or not, the second is the type, such as WALL or INT, and the rest are the parameters. For information about what the available types and parameters are, see the Solver Parameters and Boundary Condition Data section for the solver you are interested in.

ic_boco_append fam nbcs

Appends some boundary conditions.

ic_boco_modify fam obc nbc

Changes one boundary condition.

ic_boco_delete_bctypes fam bctypes

Deletes boundary conditions with a given set of types from a family.

ic_set_boco fam bocos

This is the same as ic_boco_get (for backward compatibility only).

ic_boco_delete_all_bctype bctype

Deletes all boundary conditions on all families of a given type.

ic_boco_bctypes_used_by_families which [""]

Returns a list of bctypefamlistbctypefamlist ... pairs If which is "" then all BCs are returned, otherwise only those that show up in the list. A family could possibly appear twice in the famlist if it has the BC twice.

ic_boco_list_with_bctype bcargs exclude_fam_pattern [""]

Lists all families and BCs that have a BC of a given type. If bctype is a list then it will match the second, etc argument. Glob characters are allowed here. If exclude_fam_pattern is non-"" skip families that match that pattern. Generally this will be *:* .

ic_boco_classify_by_bctype bctype exclude_fam_pattern [""]

Lists the families by bctype.

unused__ic_boco_groups_with_bctype bcargs exclude [*:*]

A convenience function that just returns the group names with a specific set of bc args For example ic_boco_groups_with_bctype [list FORCE_NAME ff1]

ic_boco_list_bcargs_for_bctypes types pos

Gets all the possible values for an argument at a specific position for a list of bctypes. This is used to get a list of load sets.

unused__ic_boco_get_with_matching_name t1s t2 v2

Returns the BCs of the types t1s, which are in families whose BC of type t2 has value v2. (e.g.,. t1s might be {BR BT}, t2 might be CONSTRAINT_NAME, and v2 might be "foo 123". Used for ai*env. Note that this automatically *excludes* families with : in them.

unused__ic_boco_get_unused_bcarg bctype prefix

Gets an unused name for a given BC type.

ic_boco_get_unused_group prefix avoid [""]

Gets an unused name with a given prefix. Avoid the ones given in the second argument

unused__ic_boco_replace_with_matching_name newbcs t2 v2 replace_these [""]

Finds all families that have a bctype named t2 with a value v2 and replaces the existing BCs that have types in newbcs with the new ones. (Ie.g.,. t1s might be {{1 BR 1 2 3} ...}, t2 might be CONSTRAINT_NAME, and v2 might be "foo 123". Used for ai*env. Note that this automatically *includes* families with : in them. If a value is given for replace_these it should be a list of bctypes to get rid of, else the types are taken from newbcs. Returns the families that were so modified.

ic_boco_replace_in_part newbcs part replace_these [""]

Same as above but does it for all families in a part.

ic_boco_replace_in_group newbcs group replace_these [""]

Same as above but does it for all families in a group.

ic_boco_add fam bocos

Adds some BCs to a family.

ic_boco_replace fam bcarg newbcs

Replaces some BCs for a family.


Returns the current default family_boco file which was loaded (if any).


Reloads the family boco file which has already been loaded (if any).

ic_boco_list_families pat [""]

Lists the current families which have boundary conditions associated with them. A pattern may be given that limits the families to those matching the pattern, as part of a :-separated list. pat may also be !: which means no : characters.


Changes the family_boco file that is associated with the tetin file.

ic_boco_fam_dim fam all_dim [0]

Returns the dimension of the family.

Note:  See the next function. If there is more than one type of element in the family then the return value will be mixed unless the all_dim parameter is set to 1

ic_boco_parts_dim parts

Returns the dimensions of the part.


Warning: hack ...

If you call ic_boco_fam_dim, then you change something, and then you call it again, you will get the old data. This is because the list_families_and_dimensions_and_sides function is too slow so the results have to be cached. As a temporary workaround, call ic_boco_reset_fam_dim to clear out the old data.


Deletes all existing BC icons.

ic_boco_rename_family old new

Renames a family - this has to move all the icons

ic_boco_add_icon type fam icontype locations scale maxnum color label params vis only_dims

Creates a new BC icon for a given family. The arguments are:

  • type : the kind of BC, such as "temperature", "pressure", etc. If another icon of the same type and family is already there it will be deleted. In general this could be the bctype of the BC that this icon represents.

  • fam: the family name.

  • icontype: the shape of the icon to draw. These are listed below.

  • locations: the XYZ locations of where the icons should be drawn. If this list is empty then they will be automatically computed. This list can also be a geometry type, "geometry" or "unsmap". That restricts the automatic computation to that object.

  • scale: a size scale for the icons. Default is 1.0

  • maxnum: the maximum number of icons to draw. If there are more nodes or elements than this value then just one icon will be drawn at the centroid of the family. 0 means no limits.

  • color: the color to use for the icon.

  • params: depends on the icontype value as described below.

The different icon shape types are as follows:

  • arrow: draw an arrow. The params are:

    • direction: an XYZ triple that gives the arrow's direction

    • nheads_end: how many heads to draw at the end. If this value is 0 then no head will be drawn. If it is -1 then an X will be drawn.

    • open_end: should the heads be open, if arrows are drawn, and if nheads is -1 then this is the linewidth to use when drawing the X

    • nheads_start (optional) : how many heads to draw at the start

    • open_start (optional) : should the heads be open at the start.

  • circle: draw a circle. The params are:

    • pixels: the size of the circle

    • open: if 0 the circle is filled, if 1 it is wireframe

  • triangle: draw a triangle (like a constraint). The params are:

    • pixels: the size of the triangle

    • open: if 0 the triangle is filled, if 1 it is wireframe

    • tail: draw a tail on it

  • helix: draw a spring-like helix. The params are:

    • ntwists: the number of twists

    • radius: the radius as a factor of the length

ic_boco_apply_attr_symbol group bctype setname icontype parsed params labels vis lvis

Smarter wrapper around the below functions.

ic_boco_set_attr_symbol_group_visible group bctype vis lvis

Easier way to set visibility by group and bctype

ic_boco_add_attr_symbol bctype group icontype set params label vis lvis

The new version which can pull out distributed values from nodes and elements. type is the bctype this corresponds to. group is the group or part this attaches to. icontype is arrow, helix, etc. set controls how new symbols replace old ones. params is a list of {name value expr} tuples. expr is a list of bcfield names that get multiplied together. label is a list of text, paramname, text, paramname .. that gets concatenated. vis is a flag saying whether it should be initially visible or not. lvis is 1 if the label should be drawn once, 0 not, 2 on all points Return value is a symbol id that can be used in the functions below.

ic_boco_delete_attr_symbol id

Deletes a symbol.

ic_boco_list_attr_symbols bctype [""] group [""] set [""]

Lists symbols.

ic_boco_modify_attr_symbol_params id params

Modifies params.

ic_boco_modify_attr_symbol_label id label

Modifies labels.

ic_boco_modify_attr_symbol_visible id vis lvis

Modifies visibility.

ic_boco_get_attr_symbol_visible id

Gets visibility flags - icon and label.

ic_boco_create_trivial bocofilename [./family_boco_trivial]

Creates a trivial (no boundary conditions) family_boco file with filename bocofilename for the loaded unstruct mesh. This function returns the filename created.

ic_boco_ensure_part_exists nfam

Makes sure a part name exists.

ic_boco_set_for_objects objects bocos pre nfam

Applies a list of BCs to either a set of geometrical entities or a mesh subset. objects is a list of type, names, ... The types can be surface, curve, point, material, subset, or unsmap. Families are composed of "groups" separated by commas. Each group is also a family whether it's used or not. Groups are named G0, G1, etc, where the prefix G could be anything such as CN for constraints. This function returns a list of the new family names that have been created.

Note:  If you pass a unsmap in as one of the objects parameters, this function will delete it. The nfam argument is the name of a group to use, instead of checking to see if a new one should be created

ic_boco_apply_generic_icon fam obtype ctype params vis only_dims [""]

Applies a non-solver specific icon to a particular family.

ic_boco_apply_solver_icon fam bctype icontype iconparams vis only_dims [""] bcargs [""]

Applies a solver specific icon to a particular family.

ic_boco_apply_generic_icon_to_group group ctype params vis only_dims [""]

Applies a non-solver specific icon to a particular family.

ic_boco_apply_solver_icon_to_group group bctype icontype iconparams vis bcargs [""]

Applies a solver specific icon to a particular group.

ic_boco_apply_solver_icon_to_part part bctype icontype iconparams vis bcargs [""]

Applies a solver specific icon to a particular part.

unused__ic_boco_set_visible bcargs bctypes on

Sets the icon visibility. bcargs are something like FORCE_NAME F1

ic_boco_delete_icons_for_bctypes fam bctypes

Removes the icons for a particular family/bctype combination.

ic_boco_set_family_visible fams bctypes on

Sets the icon visibility by family. If fams is empty then this implies all families.

ic_boco_remove_objects_from_groups objlist bcargs

Removes the given objects from all groups that have a BC with a specified name.

ic_boco_add_parts_and_subsets_to_group name parts_or_subsets

Adds the parts and subsets to the APPLY_TO_PARTS and APPLY_TO_SUBSETS pseudo-BC's on the named group.

ic_boco_what_groups_go_with_part_or_subset type name

This routine is called when objects are moved into and out of parts and subsets.

ic_boco_change_part oldfam newpart

Utility function to move stuff from one part to another.

ic_boco_change_subset oldfam subset add

For a given family, if you move something in that family into or out of a subset, this returns the new family.

ic_boco_add_or_remove_bc_icons on_fam add objects

For every icon on family oldfam, remove the locations of the objects. For every icon on newfam, add the locations.

ic_boco_replace_arg fams replace_types replace_pos replace_val

Replaces a certain argument in the BCs for a given set of families with a different value.

ic_boco_delete_group_with_bcs bcargs

Removes everything from groups that have a specific bctype and set of arguments, and delete those groups. Note that this will never get called with part groups.

ic_boco_list_icons fam [""] type [""]

Lists all the BC icons.

ic_boco_delete_group group

Removes everything from groups and delete those groups.

ic_boco_clear_family fam

Clears the BCs and icons from one family.

ic_boco_set_part_color famname update_uns [1]

Looks for a group inside this family that is a part name, and define the color of the family based on the value of the name. Note that it takes only the last component of the part name so that things do not shift around when you put them in assemblies.

ic_boco_nastran_csystem what args

Sets Nastran-type coordinate systems.

ic_boco_delete_unused keep_groups

Cleans up the set of BCs a bit. Keeps the singleton groups if keep_groups is 1.


Lists the families that have no mesh or geometry in them.

ic_boco_get_fams_of_part partname

Returns the list of families belonging to the given partname.

ic_boco_get_part_of_fam famname

Returns the part to which the given family famname belongs.

ic_solver_mesh_info solver