Arbitrary Connectors

  The Arbitrary Connectors option allows you to create arbitrary connectors between any two entities. Each node of the start entity will have a connector to the end entity, but the end entity does not have to have all of its nodes connected. Arbitrary connectors are always created from the nearest point of the first entity to the nearest point of the second entity. The following options are available:

Arbitrary connector name

You can enter a name for the arbitrary connector, or use the default name.


You can either select entities (generally curves) or existing parts as the source.


Target entities are surfaces or parts containing surfaces. If only one or some of the surfaces of the part are to be selected for the target, then use the Entities method. If all the surfaces in the part are required to be selected, then use the Existing Part method.

Note:  Ensure that the source and the target entities are selected in the correct order, select the source entity first and then the target entity.

Connector Part Name

The part name for the connectors is automatically generated, starting with ARB_WELD0.

Max projection

A value slightly more than the distance between the source and the farthest target surface.


If disabled, the connector will not be created when remeshing.