Stitch/Match Edges

  The Stitch/Match Edges option stitches or matches edges separated by a gap. Select a pair of curves or multiple pairs of curves to fix. The curve pair will be highlighted in white and will automatically fit to the screen. If multiple pairs have been selected, after each pair is fixed, the next pair will then be highlighted and fit to the screen. The following methods can be used to stitch or match edges:

User Select

After selecting curves, enter the appropriate key to select from any of the methods of stitching or matching edges: (n)o change, (f)ill, (b)lend, (t)rim, (m)atch, (a)uto, or (x) for cancel. Each method is explained below. The User Select method is useful when employing a series of different options.


Adjacent surfaces are modified so that one edge matches the other.


Recalculates the intersection of the two adjacent surfaces of a gap. Recommended if one or both of the edges appear jagged.

Figure 225: Surfaces Before Extend/Trim

Surfaces Before Extend/Trim

Figure 226: Trimmed Surfaces

Trimmed Surfaces


Creates surfaces to fill in a gap. The surfaces are created between a calculated center point and the selected curves. This is recommended for curve pairs that are more or less coplanar. Any overlap using this method can usually be ignored.


Creates a ruled spline surface between the curves. Recommended for curve pairs that are not co-planar and that have a high degree of curvature.

Figure 227: Blend method

Blend method

n = no change

No repair is attempted. If fixing multiple pairs of curves, the next pair will be presented. If only one pair of curves was initially selected, you can select a new set of curves.

a= auto

Automatically determines the best method, fill, blend, trim or match, to fix the gap or hole.

x= cancel

No repair is attempted and the operation is ended.

p = set/unset partial

Enable or disable for whole or partial fixing of the gap. If this is enabled (prompt will read Unset partial), matching will project the ends of the shorter edge normal to the larger edge instead of stretching it to match the entire larger edge; fill or blend will create a surface between the smaller edge and normal projection to the larger edge.

The different parameters for the Stitch/Match Edges operations are described below.

Max Gap Distance

This should be slightly more than the maximum gap between any two surfaces of the entire model. This option is available for the User Select method.

Single curves only

allows you to restrict to single curves only. This option is available for the User Select method.


Enable or disable for whole or partial fixing of the gap. If this is enabled, (prompt will read Unset partial), matching will project the ends of the shorter edge normal to the larger edge instead of stretching it to match the entire larger edge; fill or blend will create a surface between the smaller edge and normal projection to the larger edge. This option is available for the Match, Fill, and Blend methods.


After the repair option is selected, the result will be made visible. You need to give confirmation after viewing the result.

y = yes

Saves the change.

n = no

The change is not saved.

r = retry

To retry repair by selecting a different repair method.