From Solid Method

This option assigns thickness values to a surface based on the midsurface/solid model.


Select the set of midsurfaces.

Solid surface(s)

Select the set of surfaces on both sides of the midsurface(s).

Max thickness

Limits the thickness assigned to a surface. The thickness values get assigned at certain control points along a surface. Each control point thickness is found by projection normal to the surface in either direction. The sum of these projections (positive or negative) define the thickness. An empty (default) Max thickness value means that there is no thickness limit.  

Note:  Thickness computations could be inaccurate if the surface data is not very good and a control point projection is not projected correctly. If you see this it would be recommended to try one of the following:

  • Improve the surface data.

  • Limit the selection of midsurface/solid surfaces to just the local region.

  • Reduce the order of the surface to reduce the number of control points.

  • Use a maximum thickness to limit the thickness computed.

  • Use the Specify corners method to define the assigned thicknesses manually.


Defines the number of control points along a surface. For example, Order 4 means 4 x 4 control points along the surface or 16 total control points. For a 4-sided surface, along each edge there would be 4 interpolation points creating a thickness interpolation surface between the 16 total points along the edges.