
  The Translate option is used to move elements laterally without rotation.


specifies the elements for translation.


If enabled, the original mesh will be kept intact, and an exact copy of the mesh with duplicated nodes and elements will be generated at the selected location.

Number of copies

specifies the number of copies to generate. If at least one copy is generated, than you have the option to Merge nodes.

Increment Parts

To add the newly created copies of mesh to an existing part, click the Select Parts icon. Select the part name from the window that opens up. If no part is selected, then the copies will be added to a new part.

Merge nodes

automatically merges duplicated nodes when the mesh copies are adjacent to or overlapping one another. This uses a merge nodes tolerance setting to control the merge. Selecting merge nodes activates the options for setting the Tolerance Method and Deleting duplicate elements.

Tolerance Method

allows you to determine how the merge tolerance should be specified. The Automatic option is recommended and will automatically calculate the tolerance as one tenth of the minimum edge length of all selected elements. If the User defined option is chosen, then an absolute tolerance can be set in the Tolerance field. The projection of the nodes are ignored during merging. There is also some internal code to prevent collapsing edges between nodes within the tolerance.

Delete duplicate elements

deletes duplicated elements if after merging nodes the copies overlap or are adjacent.

Translation Method
  • Explicit

    Enter the offset distance in the X, Y, and Z directions to translate the selected elements.

  • Vector

    Define a vector by selecting two points. Elements will be moved in the direction of the defined vector.