Periodic Vertices

  The Periodic Vertices option allows you to make selected pairs of vertices into periodic nodes.


allows you to select pairs of nodes that should be periodic transforms of one another. A face is a periodic transform of another if its four corners are periodic transforms of the other face's nodes. When a periodic face is split, all the new vertices and faces will be periodic.

Note:  An axis node should be selected twice in order to make it periodic with itself.


allows you to select a pair of vertices to remove the periodicity.

Note:  To generate a periodic mesh, remember to make the initial block periodic. Further splits will maintain this periodicity. It is much easier to make the first four pairs of vertices periodic then to match up many vertices later to be made periodic.

Auto Create

creates periodic links between block vertices on the periodic boundaries automatically.

Note:  This works on a 3D Blocking with model periodicity defined. It finds the periodic twins through Geometry transformation and blocking edge connectivity. Periodic vertices that are associated to points are found directly by geometry transformation. It expects that periodic points are within a geometric tolerance of 1.0e-05. Periodic vertices that are projected to curves are found through periodic curve pairs or blocking edge connectivity along the periodic direction. Surface associated vertices are first found by transformation or best closest match.