3.10.2. Mesh Generation Panel

The Mesh Generation panel only appears for projects where automatic-mesh generation was selected when you first imported your geometry. Starting in 2020 R2, Ansys Forte provides a new mechanism for previewing automatic mesh generation that takes advantage of EnSight's Dynamic Data capability, allowing Forte to send a preview mesh directly for processing in EnSight, without saving to disk, and with some added features such as the ability to preview only surface mesh motion and to detect intersections in the geometry. Preview Settings Panel

Time Option: The mesh can be previewed at a particular time, crank angle, or throughout a time or crank angle interval.

Data Options: Data Set Name allows you to specify a name for the data set, such as "IVC-to-EVO".

The Save Output to Disk option will cause the mesh preview to be written to disk instead of being sent directly to a new EnSight instance. The data set will persist in a folder named "Preview" in the simulations analysis directory and may be loaded manually in EnSight.

The Check for Surface Intersections option will cause additional checks to be performed on the surface mesh that will detect surface intersections and will create point parts in the EnSight data set where they are detected.

The Include Volume Mesh option tells the mesh preview generator that a full surface and volume mesh are to be created. If not selected, the mesh preview generator will only produce surface mesh motion. Unlike the quick Boundary Motion animation, this surface motion will include any deformations to the surface mesh that may occur during the requested range, and can run efficiently on a single MPI process. Ansys recommends starting with a surface-only preview to verify that motion is set correctly, and then including volume mesh to verify refinement settings. The volume mesh creation employs MPI parallelism, and all available or desirable processes should be used. Creating the Preview Mesh

Clicking the Generate Mesh   button from the toolbar panel will start the mesh creation process. If Save Output to Disk is not selected (the default), then a dialog will be launched, prompting you to select a data set to load into Ansys EnSight. Select the named data set to start EnSight and begin post-processing the preview mesh, similar to post-processing a complete solution in EnSight.

If Save Output to Disk is selected, then the mesh preview process will begin and write the mesh directly to disk. Launch EnSight   from the Mesh Preview toolbar or other method to load the data set.

Note:   Processing mesh preview data in EnSight when using direct data transfer

When creating a range of preview mesh data with the Save Output to Disk option OFF, Forte will continuously update the EnSight instance with new meshes as they are available. You may find it useful to have EnSight jump to the new mesh data as soon as it becomes available. To do this, configure the time set options in EnSight to jump to end (or other options as desired).

Caution:  If Preview Mesh is canceled while EnSight is running, you must use the operating system's option to terminate the EnSight instance.