10.3.2. Contacting Technical Support

Ansys is committed to the highest level of technical support. If the answer to your question is not found in the documentation or web site, contact Technical Support using one of these methods:


When you contact Technical Support, include the following information in your support request:

  • Your Ansys Forte License Number.

  • The name and email address of the Licensee, if different from yourself.

  • Your computer platform.

  • Program outputs and/or screen prints showing the error message(s) you are receiving.

For inquiries related to running the CFD model, also include:

  • The FORTE.log file found in your run directory (if your problem is the CFD run itself has problems)

  • The MONITOR file also found in your run directory

For problems visualizing results, also include:

  • The .ftind and .ftres results files.

  • The plot recreation XML file(s) created using File > Save As (or the Save As toolbar button).