19.4. Reduced Rank Extrapolation (RRE) Method

The Reduced Rank Extrapolation method (RRE) is a technique used to accelerate the convergence of numerical methods involving nonlinear iterative solution algorithms. A Finite Volume simulation of the Navier-Stokes flow equations, as performed in Ansys Fluent, is such a method. Benefits of the application of RRE include better convergence rates, removal of residual stalling, and improved coupling between equations among different numerical models. The algorithm is independent of the type of flow solver and equally applicable to explicit, implicit, and pressure and density based algorithms. The drawback is an increased memory consumption.

The RRE method is representative of the set of so called Krylov type methods. Such methods explore the idea originally proposed by Krylov [3] that the solution of the linear system lies within the space defined as


which is also known as the Krylov subspace.

The RRE method obtains a vector as a linear combination of orthogonal basis vectors of , which minimizes the Euclidian norm of the residual vector . This is usually a better approximation of the solution at the given iteration. A linear least squares procedure is applied in order to solve the minimization problem. Due to the memory requirements imposed by the need to keep solution vectors from previous iterations in memory, only a limited subset of the entire Krylov space is stored. The method operates on that subset once the user specified size (i.e. number of nonlinear flow solver iterations) is reached. Then a new subspace is populated with the solution vectors from the following iterations and subsequently the RRE procedure is restarted. It was found that in certain cases it might be beneficial to not store the solution vector at each iteration, but to skip a certain number of iterations. This is because of the fact that two subsequent solution vectors are almost linearly dependent and do not provide much new information for the Krylov subspace. The number of skipped iterations is also a user specifiable value.

Ansys Fluent’s RRE method operates simultaneously on a predefined set of main flow variables, which are stored into a shared solution vector and uses the regular flow solver as a preconditioner to generate the products .

It can be shown that when applied to a linear problem, the RRE method is equivalent to the GMRES method derived by Y. Saad and M. H. Schultz [6]. Details of the method as well as investigations of its behavior when applied to the Navier-Stokes problems can be found in [7] and [2].

Note:  The Krylov subspace data is not written into the data file for reasons of keeping the file size small and the i/o times limited. A certain jump of residual values if a precomputed data is read into a new Ansys Fluent session is expected.

To use the Reduced Rank Extrapolation option, follow the steps outlined below:

  1. Make sure you enable access to the beta features (Introduction).

  2. In the Solution Methods task page, enable the Reduced Rank Extrapolation option.

    Figure 19.2: The Solution Methods Task Page

    The Solution Methods Task Page

  3. Click the Options... button to specify the RRE settings in the RRE Options dialog box.

    Figure 19.3: The RRE Options Dialog Box

    The RRE Options Dialog Box

    1. Specify the size of the subspace in the RRE Options dialog box.

    2. Specify the number of iterations to skip while building it.

    Note:  In certain cases, it may be beneficial to increase the size of the Krylov subspace to 25 and store each 10th vector.

  4. Run the solution.