12.1. Char Burnout Kinetics (CBK) Model

The Char Burnout Kinetics (CBK) model describes char oxidation under conditions relevant to pulverized coal combustion processes. It includes effects of thermal annealing and ash inhibition on the char combustion. The form of this model that is available in Ansys Fluent only applies to atmospheric conditions and has no statistical kinetics.

The CBK model can be defined as a material property in the Create/Edit Materials dialog box (Figure 12.1: The Create/Edit Materials Dialog Box with the CBK Model Selected) for problems in which you have defined discrete-phase injections.

 Physics Materials Create/Edit...

Figure 12.1: The Create/Edit Materials Dialog Box with the CBK Model Selected

The Create/Edit Materials Dialog Box with the CBK Model Selected

Once you have selected combusting-particle from the Material Type drop-down list, you can select cbk from the Combustion Model drop-down list in the Properties group box. The New CBK-8 Combustion Model dialog will open, allowing you to set the char reactivity parameters (see Figure 12.2: The New CBK-8 Combustion Model Dialog Box). The default values are acceptable.

Figure 12.2: The New CBK-8 Combustion Model Dialog Box

The New CBK-8 Combustion Model Dialog Box

12.1.1. References

  1. FORTRAN program CBK8. Brown University, Providence, 1998.

  2. R. Hurt, J. K. Sun, and M. Lunden. A Kinetic Model of Carbon Burnout in Pulverized Coal Combustion. Combustion and Flame, 113:181-197, 1998.

  3. R. E. Mitchell, R. Hurt, L. L. Baxter, and D. R. Hardesty. Compilation of Sandia Coal Char Combustion Data and Kinetic Analyses: Milestone Report. Technical Report SAND92-8208, Sandia National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, 1992.

  4. J. K. Sun and R. Hurt. Mechanics of Extinction and Near-Extinction in Pulverized Solid Fuel Combustion. Proceedings of the Combustion Institutes, 28:2205-2213, 2000.