36.2. Basic Steps for Post-processing Using the Fluent Post-Analysis Workspace

Before you begin your dataset analysis using Fluent Post-Analysis, careful consideration of the following steps will contribute significantly to the success of your analysis effort. Also, when you are planning a CFD project, be sure to take advantage of the customer support available to all Ansys Fluent users.

To work with a dataset, one of the following file types must be loaded, .cas.post, .cas[.h5], .cas[.gz], .encas, .case. These case files have certain requirements to be compatible with an Fluent Post-Analysis workspace simulation.

36.2.1. Steps in Fluent Post-Analysis Post-Processing

The primary workflow for using the Fluent Post-Analysis workspace is as follows:

  1. Define the post-processing goals.

  2. Import your dataset into the graphical user interface.

  3. Once imported, an Outline View tree will be created and the dataset will be displayed in the Graphics window.

  4. You can then create different types of Surfaces/Graphics, Plots and Reports to visualize your results, including:

    • Point, Line, Rake, Plane, Iso-Surface and Iso-Clip

    • Mesh, Contour, Vector, Pathline, Volume Rendering, Periodic Instance and Scenes

    • XY and Transient Plots

    • Surface and Volume reports

    • Scenes

  5. Examine and save your results as images or animations.