2.4. Reloading Data and Synchronizing Fluent with Workbench

When performing multiple preliminary investigative analyses with Fluent in Workbench (for example, establishing the most suitable solver settings) your Fluent settings are changed multiple times. In order to quickly and safely discard recently unsaved changes in your Fluent settings and to read input data from the Setup cell, you can use the Reload command in the Fluent File ribbon tab:

 File Reload

or the corresponding Reload toolbar command from the drop-down menu of the Mesh ( ), Setup ( ), or Solution ( ) Cell Commands. Reloading information will discard any changes performed in the current session and will delete any corresponding generated data from the Solution cell. This command is available only if input data is present. See Appendix C: The Workbench Tools Toolbar Commands for more details.

In addition, you can directly update Workbench with the most recent Fluent changes using the Sync Workbench option in the Fluent File ribbon tab, or the corresponding Synchronize WB cell status toolbar button ( ). You can also use the corresponding text command (file/sync-workbench).