Appendix C. The Workbench Tools Toolbar Commands

When Fluent is running within Workbench, the Workbench Tools toolbar is displayed in the editor window.

    The Workbench Tools toolbar provides direct access to general Workbench and Fluent functions from within Fluent and allows you to quickly setup, update, and reset your case, define output parameters, exchange data between Fluent and Workbench, and so on. You can hover over the toolbar icons to display the function of the tools, as a tooltip.

    Table 1: Workbench Tools Toolbar Commands




    Mesh Cell Commands

    (Fluent Meshing mode)

    Contains an expandable list of the Mesh cell commands. See Table 2: Mesh Cell Commands for details.

    Setup Cell Commands

    Contains an expandable list of the Setup cell commands. See Table 3: Setup Cell Commands for details.

    Solution Cell Commands

    Contains an expandable list of the Solution cell commands. See Table 4: Solution Cell Commands for details.


    Refresh input data of Mesh/Setup/Solution

    Refreshes cell input data from upstream cells, and refreshes properties and input parameters of the modified cell (Mesh, Setup and Solution). This command is only enabled if new input data exists, or if a parameter value has changed.

    Note: If the input data for a Mesh cell of a Fluent (with Fluent Meshing) system has changed when the editor is in the solution mode, then on refresh, the editor will switch to the meshing mode and reread the mesh data from the Mesh cell.

    Update Mesh/Setup/Solution

    Contains an expandable list of commands for controlling the solution process. See Table 5: Update Mesh/Setup/Solution for details.


    Synchronize WB cell status

    Synchronizes recent changes in Fluent to the corresponding Workbench project.


    Parameter System

    Opens the Parameter dialog box.


    Recorded Mesh Operations

    Opens the Recorded Mesh Operations and Incoming Zones dialog box.

    Table 2: Mesh Cell Commands




    Reloads the mesh file or, if the mesh file has not yet been generated, re-imports available CAD files. Any unsaved changes you may have previously made will be discarded.

    Clear Generated Data

    Discards all unsaved changes and the current mesh in the editor (Fluent Meshing) session, deletes the generated mesh file associated with the Mesh cell, and re-imports available CAD files.


    Performs the same actions as the Clear Generated Data command, and in addition, sets the Mesh cell property values to their defaults.

    Table 3: Setup Cell Commands




    Reads available input files (case, mesh, settings, and so on) into the Setup cell and executes the recorded mesh operations (if available). Any unsaved changes you may have previously made will be discarded.

    Clear Generated Data

    Discards all unsaved changes, deletes the name-Setup-Output.cas.h5 file and generated mesh file associated with the Mesh cell, reads all available input files (case, mesh, settings, and so on), and executes the available recorded mesh operations.


    Discards any unsaved changes and recorded mesh operations, deletes name-Setup-Output.cas.h5 file, sets the Setup cell property values to their defaults, and reads the input files from the upstream cells (if available).

    Import Settings

    Allows you to import previously saved settings files.

    Export Settings

    Allows you to export a settings file (.set).

    Note: The exported settings file can become incompatible with your case if the mesh has been modified either upstream or in the Fluent editor.

    Table 4: Solution Cell Commands




    Reloads the latest available solution (case/data) files from the project directory. If a data file is not available, the case is initialized using the specified method. Any unsaved changes you may have previously made will be discarded.

    Clear Generated Data

    Deletes all generated files and loads the input data (reads the mesh/case files and initializes the case using the specified method).


    Performs the same actions as the Clear Generated Data command, and in addition, sets the Solution cell property values to their defaults.

    Table 5: Update Mesh/Setup/Solution




    Performs the calculation as specified in the case settings. Once the calculation is complete, the state of the Solution cell becomes Up-To-Date. This command is available only if no calculation has been performed yet.


    Reinitializes the case using the selected initialization method and then performs the calculation. This command allows you to re-run the case after you have performed some iterations and changed the settings for you case. This command is available only after some calculations have been performed.


    Continues the calculation from the current solution state until the specified number of iterations or time steps is reached, or the solution meets the convergence criteria. This command allows you to continue your calculation after altering the case settings. The changed settings will be saved for future calculations. This command is available only after some calculations have been performed.


    • Any case modifications that you make after starting the calculation will not be saved or recorded for future calculations.

    • For parametric studies, you can enable Automatically Initialize and Modify Case in the Calculation Activities task page in Fluent in order to automatically apply the case modifications for each design point calculation.