2.1. Steps in Solving Your CFD Problem

Once you have determined the important features of the problem you want to solve, follow the basic procedural steps shown below.

  1. Define the modeling goals.

  2. Create the model geometry and mesh.

  3. Set up the solver and physical models.

  4. Compute and monitor the solution.

  5. Examine and save the results.

  6. Consider revisions to the numerical or physical model parameters, if necessary.

Step 2. of the solution process requires a geometry modeler and mesh generator. You can use DesignModeler and Ansys Meshing within Ansys Workbench or you can use a separate CAD system for geometry modeling and mesh generation. When meshing 3D geometries, you can also use the meshing mode of Fluent. Alternatively, you can use supported CAD packages to generate volume meshes for import into Ansys Fluent (see the User's Guide). For more information on creating geometry and generating meshes using each of these programs, refer to their respective manuals.

The details of the remaining steps are covered in the User's Guide.