4.5. Cleaning Up Processes From an Ansys Fluent Simulation

Ansys Fluent lets you easily remove extraneous processes in the event that an Ansys Fluent simulation must be stopped.

When a session is started, Ansys Fluent creates a cleanup-fluent script file. The script can be used to clean up all Ansys Fluent-related processes. Ansys Fluent creates the cleanup-script file in the current working directory with a filename that includes the machine name and the process identification number (PID) (for example, cleanup-fluent-mymachine-1234).

If the current directory does not possess the proper write permissions, then Ansys Fluent will write the cleanup-script file to your home directory.

If, for example, Ansys Fluent is started on a machine called thor and the process identification number is 32895, Ansys Fluent will create a cleanup-script called cleanup-fluent-thor-32895 in the current directory. To run the cleanup-script, and clean up all Ansys Fluent processes related to your session, on Linux platforms, type the following command in the console window:

sh cleanup-fluent-thor-32895 

Or, if the shell script already has executable permissions, simply type:


To clean up extraneous Ansys Fluent processes on Windows (serial or parallel), double-click the corresponding batch file (for example, cleanup-fluent-thor-32895.bat) that Ansys Fluent generates at the beginning of each session.

Important:  During a normal run, this file will be deleted automatically after exiting Ansys Fluent. In abnormal situations, you may use this batch file to clean up the Ansys Fluent processes. Once an Ansys Fluent session has been closed, you can safely delete any left over cleanup scripts from your working directory.

Important:  If an Ansys Fluent session hangs or freezes on Windows, and you want to view the complete contents of the Ansys Fluent console output in a transcript file, you should use the taskkill command through the DOS command prompt, rather than terminating the Ansys Fluent application through the Windows Task Manager.