3.10. Reading Scheme Source Files

A Scheme source file can be loaded in three ways: through the menu system as a scheme file, through the menu system as a journal file, or through Scheme itself.

For large source files, use the Select File dialog box, opened by selecting the File/Read/Scheme... ribbon tab item 

 File Read Scheme...

or use the Scheme load function in the console, as shown in the following example:

 > (load "file.scm")

Shorter files can also be loaded with the File/Read/Journal... ribbon tab item or the file/ read-journal command in the text interface (or its . or source alias, as shown in the example that follows).

 >. file.scm

 > source file.scm 

In this case, each character of the file is echoed to the console as it is read, in the same way as if you were typing in the contents of the file.