4.3. Switching Between Meshing and Solution Modes

You can switch from the meshing mode of Fluent to the solution mode by clicking the Switch to Solution button, located by default in the top left corner of the application window. The mesh from your meshing mode session will be transferred and read in the new solution mode session.

You can switch from the solution mode of Fluent to the meshing mode by using the switch-to-meshing-mode text command. Note that this text command is only available for 3D sessions, before you have read a mesh or case file.

Note:  When you read a non-conformal interface case file into meshing mode and later switched to the solution mode, note the following limitations:

  • Zone IDs may match, however, the corresponding zone names may be inconsistent.

  • Boundary conditions on intersected threads are not preserved.

  • Unassociated (dangling) non-conformal interface (NCI) surfaces remain present.