11.1.2. Integral Method by Ffowcs Williams and Hawkings

For predictions of mid- to far-field noise, the methods based on Lighthill’s acoustic analogy [374] offer viable alternatives to the direct method. In this approach, the near-field flow obtained from appropriate governing equations such as unsteady RANS equations, SAS / DES / SDES / SBES, or LES are used to predict the sound with the aid of analytically derived integral solutions to wave equations. The acoustic analogy essentially decouples the propagation of sound from its generation, enabling one to separate the flow solution process from the acoustics analysis.

Ansys Fluent offers a method based on the Ffowcs Williams and Hawkings (FW-H) formulation [178] . The FW-H formulation adopts the most general form of Lighthill’s acoustic analogy, and is capable of predicting sound generated by equivalent acoustic sources. Ansys Fluent adopts a time-domain integral formulation wherein time histories of sound pressure, or acoustic signals, at prescribed receiver locations are directly computed by evaluating corresponding surface integrals.

Time-accurate solutions of the flow-field variables, such as pressure, velocity components, and density on source (emission) surfaces, are required to evaluate the surface integrals. Time-accurate solutions can be obtained from unsteady Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (URANS) equations, large eddy simulation (LES), or SAS / DES / SDES / SBES as appropriate for the flow at hand and the features that you want to capture (for example, vortex shedding). The source surfaces can be placed not only on impermeable walls, but also on interior (permeable) surfaces, which enables you to account for the contributions from the quadrupoles enclosed by the source surfaces. Both broadband and tonal noise can be predicted depending on the nature of the flow (noise source) being considered, turbulence model employed, and the time scale of the flow resolved in the flow calculation.

The FW-H acoustics model in Ansys Fluent allows you to select multiple source surfaces and receivers. Receivers can either be steady in the CFD reference frame or move with a user-specified constant velocity. The latter option enables modeling a "fly over" situation. The model also permits you either to save the source data for a future use, or to carry out an "on the fly" acoustic calculation simultaneously as the transient flow calculation proceeds, or both. Sound pressure signals thus obtained can be processed using the fast Fourier transform (FFT) and associated postprocessing capabilities to compute and plot such acoustic quantities as the overall sound pressure level (SPL) and power spectra.

One important limitation of the integral FW-H formulation is that it is applicable only to predicting the propagation of sound toward free space . Thus, while the model can be legitimately used to predict far-field noise due to external aerodynamic flows, such as the flows around ground vehicles and aircraft, it cannot be used for predicting the noise propagation inside ducts or wall-enclosed space.