Chapter 9: objects/


Contains options for modifying the selected objects based on the associated CAD entities and attaching/detaching the CAD entities from the objects. This menu is available when the CAD Assemblies tree is created during CAD import.


Attaches CAD entities to the selected geometry/mesh objects. Select the geometry/mesh objects and specify the path for the CAD entities to be associated with the objects. The selected geometry/mesh objects will be associated with the CAD entities which will then be locked.


Detaches all the CAD objects associated with the geometry/mesh objects. Specify the type of objects (geom or mesh) to be detached. All association will be removed and the geometry/mesh objects will be independent of changes to the CAD entities.


Detaches the CAD objects associated with the specified geometry/mesh objects. All association will be removed and the selected geometry/mesh objects will be independent of changes to the CAD entities.


Returns a list of the CAD entities associated with the objects selected.


Restores the geometry/mesh objects from the associated CAD objects.


Unlocks the CAD objects associated with the selected geometry/mesh objects.


Updates the specified geometry/mesh objects based on changes to the associated CAD objects.


Updates all geometry/mesh objects based on changes to the associated CAD objects. Specify the type of objects (geom or mesh) to be updated.


Allows you to change the object type (geom, or mesh).


Checks the mesh on the specified objects for connectivity and orientation of faces. The domain extents, volume statistics, and face area statistics will be reported along with the results of other checks on the mesh.


Creates the object based on the priority, cell zone type, face zone(s), edge zone(s), and object type specified. You can specify the object name or retain the default blank entry to have the object name generated automatically.


Creates and activates the domain comprising the face zone(s) from the object(s) specified.


Creates a face group and an edge group comprising the face zone(s) and edge zone(s) included in the specified object(s), respectively.


Allows you to create intersection loops for objects.

  • The collectively option creates an interior edge loop at the intersection between two adjacent face zones included in the same object and between multiple objects.

  • The individually option creates an interior edge loop at the intersection between two adjacent face zones included in the same object.


Creates multiple objects by creating an object per face zone specified. The objects will be named automatically based on the prefix and priority specified.


Contains options for creating a new mesh object by wrapping or remeshing existing objects.


Creates a new mesh object by remeshing geometry objects individually or collectively.


Creates a new mesh object by wrapping the specified objects individually or collectively.


Deletes the specified object(s).


Deletes all the defined objects.


Deletes all the defined geom objects.


Deletes all the faces and edges that are not included in any defined objects.


Extracts the edge zone(s) from the face zone(s) included in the specified object(s), based on the edge-feature-angle value specified (/objects/set/set-edge-feature-angle).


Enables you to imprint the edges comprising the object on to the object face zones to improve feature capture for mesh objects. You can specify the number of imprinting iterations to be performed.

Note:  The geometry objects used to create the mesh objects should be available when the improve-feature-capture command is invoked. Additionally, the face zones comprising the objects should be of type other than geometry.


Enables you to improve the surface mesh quality for mesh objects. Select the mesh objects and the method for improving the surface mesh. The smooth-and-improve method improves the mesh by a combination of smoothing, swapping, and surface mesh improvement operations. Object normals are correctly oriented and island faces are also deleted. You can optionally coarsen the surface mesh by specifying a suitable coarsening factor. Additional imprinting operations can be done to improve feature capture on the surface mesh. The surface-remesh method improves the mesh by remeshing based on the current size field. Object normals are correctly oriented and island faces are also deleted.


Contains options for connecting overlapping and intersecting face zones.


Allows you to specify one or more mesh objects to be added to an existing mesh object.


Allows you to select a cell zone type (solid, fluid or dead) for a specific region.


Closed cell zone regions are computed from the specified mesh object. You may include a material point, if desired.


Used to enable or disable automatic post-remesh operation after join or intersect.


Allows you to specify one or more mesh objects to be connected in one mesh object.


Removes a closed cell zone region and all of its face zones, except those which are shared by other regions, from the specified mesh object.


Connects two intersecting face zones within specified angle and tolerance.


Connects two overlapping face zones within specified angle and tolerance.


Lists details of region type, volume, material point, and comprising face zones for the topological regions computed for the specified mesh object.


Specified regions are joined into a single region.


Enables you to specify a new name for a specified region.


Contains options for creating and managing face zone labels.


Adds the specified face zones to the existing face zone label for an object.


Creates a new face zone label for the specified face zones.


Creates a new face zone label for all the face zones in every object.


Creates a new face zone label for each face zone in the object.


Deletes the specified face zone labels.


Creates labels for unlabeled face zones within the specified object. You can either use the object name as the label or provide your own label.


Merges the specified face zone labels to a single label with the name specified.


Removes all the face zone labels for the specified face zones. This command is applicable to geometry objects only.


Removes the specified face zones from the existing face zone label for an object.


Renames the specified face zone label.


Lists details such as cell zone type, priority, object type, comprising face and edge zones, and object reference point for all the defined objects.


Merges the specified objects into a single object.


Merges all the edge zones in an object into a single edge zone.

Note:  If the object is composed of edge zones of different types (boundary and interior), the edge zones of the same type (boundary or interior) will be merged into a single edge zone.


Merges the free nodes at the object level based on the specified tolerance or using a tolerance that is a specified percentage of shortest connected edge length.


Allows you to merge voids in the mesh object after the sewing operation.


Merges all the face zones of type wall in an object into a single face zone.


Contains options for removing gaps between the mesh objects specified or removing the thickness in the mesh objects specified.


Allows you to set whether the orientation of the normals should be taken into account while identifying the gap to be removed.


Allows you to remove gaps between the mesh objects specified or remove the thickness in the mesh objects specified. Select the appropriate repair option and specify the other parameters required.


Marks the faces at the gap between mesh objects based on the gap distance and percentage margin specified.


Renames the boundaries of the cell zones based on the existing face zone labels. This allows for the cell zone boundaries in solution mode to have names corresponding to the face zone labels in meshing mode.

Note:  This command will not work if you read in a volume mesh generated in a version prior to release 16.2. In such cases, regenerate the volume mesh before using the command.


Allows you to rename a specified geometry or mesh object with another specified name.


Renames the face and edge zones comprising the object based on the object name. You can also specify the separator to be used.


Restores the mesh object surface mesh from the backup created. The current mesh object face zones and cell zones will be deleted.

If the object backup is disabled (/mesh/auto-mesh-controls/backup-object no), you will not be able to restore the surface mesh using this command.

Note:  There may be a difference in the initial volume mesh generated for an object and that generated after restoring the object surface mesh due to differences in the order of zones/entities processed during volume meshing.


Rotates the object(s) based on the angle of rotation, pivot point, and axis of rotation specified.


Scales the object(s) based on the scale factors specified.


Separates the face zone(s) comprising the object based on the angle specified.


Separates the face zone(s) comprising the object based on the seed face specified.


Contains options for setting additional object-related settings.


Sets the edge feature angle to be used for extracting edge zone(s) from the face zone(s) included in the object(s).


Displays the edge zone(s) comprising the object(s) drawn in the graphics window.


Displays the face zone(s) comprising the object(s) drawn in the graphics window.


Allows you to obtain a summary of a specified geometry or mesh object, or obtain a summary of all geometry or mesh objects.


Translates the object(s) based on the translation offsets specified.


Allows you to update the objects defined when the face and/or edge zone(s) comprising the object have been deleted.


Contains options for manipulating volumetric regions and generating the volume mesh.


Creates the volume mesh for the selected volumetric regions based on the meshing parameters set.


Enables you to change the region type.


Computes the volumetric regions based on the face zone labels. You can choose to use existing material points for computing the regions.

Note:  When regions are computed, region names and types will be based on the face zone labels of the mesh object selected. If regions are recomputed, all previous region names and types will be over written.


Deletes the specified volumetric regions.

Tip:  Deleting regions may cause face zones to be deleted. It is recommended that the region type be changed to dead instead of deleting the region.


Deletes the cell zones of the specified regions.


Contains options for setting hexcore mesh controls. See mesh/.


Prints region information to the console, including type, volume, material point and face zones.


Merges specified regions in to a single region.

Note:  If there are shared face zones, merging regions will delete the shared face zones. However, if there are cell zones associated with the regions, then merging the regions will not delete the shared face zones. In this case, the shared face zones will be deleted when the cell zones are deleted.


Renames the region.


Contains options for setting scoped prism controls.


Contains options for setting tetrahedral mesh controls. See mesh/.


Recomputes the selected volumetric region(s) while preserving the region name(s) and type(s).


Contains options related to the object wrapping operation.


Allows you to check for holes in the objects. The number of hole faces marked will be reported.


Allows you to reestablish the periodic relationship between leader and shadow face zones on the mesh object. You will be prompted for the method and to identify the periodic face zones to be recovered.


Performs the automatic periodic recovery method using either the leader or shadow periodic face zones. Periodic recovery will be attempted in both directions without additional prompting.


Performs the manual periodic recovery method. You will be prompted for periodic and shadow face zones, and for the periodic source. The periodic source may be from an underlying periodic geometry surface or manual entry of the rotational periodic parameters (angle, origin, axis).

Note:  Only rotational periodicity is supported, translational periodicity is not supported currently.


Contains additional options related to the object wrapping operation.


Enables you to set the geometry recovery level (high or low) for the specified face zones.


Allows better recovery of thin region configurations during the object wrapping operation.


Lists the zones based on geometry recovery level specified.


Allows you to set the maximum number of free edges in a loop to fill the holes.


Specifies the minimum relative topological area for shrink wrapping.


Specifies the minimum relative topological count for shrink wrapping.


Specifies the minimum topological area for shrink wrapping.


Specifies the minimum topological count for shrink wrapping.


Specifies the relative feature tolerance for shrink wrapping.


Allows you to check for holes in the mesh object created. Holes, if any will be reported at the end of the object wrapping operation.


Sets the resolution factor for shrink wrapping. This option can be used to set sampling coarser or finer than the final surface mesh.


Allows you to set the parameters for improving the mesh object surface quality using rezoning. The geometry object zones will be separated based on the separation angle specified to improve the feature imprinting on the mesh object.


Allows you to specify a prefix for the zones included in the mesh object created using the object wrapping operation.


Creates the mesh objects based on the geometry objects selected and other object wrapping parameters specified.