A.5. Mesh Setup Utility Functions

The following functions are available for mesh setup:

Feature DescriptionUtility Function
Return a suitable average point based on the zones specified(get-average-bounding-box-center '(face-zone-ID-list))
Return the bounding box extents for the list of zones.(tgapi-util-get-bounding-box-of-zone-list '(zone-id-list))
Enables you to unpreserve some/all preserved cell zones during the meshing process.(tgapi-util-un-preserve-cell-zones '(cell-zone-list))
(tgapi-util-un-preserve-cell-zones "cell-zone-name-pattern*")
Create bodies of influence and if required body of influence size functions from the mesh refinement regions. Specify the refinement region type (set "region-type" to "tet" or "hexcore"). Specify the prefix for the BOI zones ("boi-prefix-string"), and choose whether to create the size functions (set create-size-function? to #t or #f).(tgapi-util-create-boi-and-size-functions-from-refinement-regions "region-type" "boi-prefix-string" create-size-function?)
Enables you to scale the face zones around a pivot point or the bounding box center. Specify the face zones, the scale factors in the X, Y, Z directions (scale), the pivot point (pivot), and choose whether to use the bounding box center (use-bbox-center? set to #t or #f).(tgapi-util-scale-face-zones-around-pivot '(face-zone-list) '(scale) '(pivot) use-bbox-center?)
(tgapi-util-scale-face-zones-around-pivot "face-zone-name-pattern*" '(scale) '(pivot) use-bbox-center?)
Enables you to scale the cell zones around a pivot point or the bounding box center. Specify the cell zones, the scale factors in the X, Y, Z directions (scale), the pivot point (pivot), and choose whether to use the bounding box center (use-bbox-center? set to #t or #f).(tgapi-util-scale-cell-zones-around-pivot '(cell-zone-list) '(scale) '(pivot) use-bbox-center?)
(tgapi-util-scale-cell-zones-around-pivot "cell-zone-name-pattern*" '(scale) '(pivot) use-bbox-center?)
Return the face zones and their orientation for the mesh file specified(tgapi-util-dump-face-zone-orientation-in-region "filename")
Set the quality measure.

Specify the "measure" as one of the following:

  • "Orthogonal Quality"

  • "Skewness"

  • "Equiangle Skewness"

  • "Size Change"

  • "Edge Ratio"

  • "Size"

  • "Aspect Ratio"

  • "Squish"

  • "Warp"

  • "Dihedral Angle"

  • "ICEMCFD Quality"

  • "Ortho Skew"

  • "FLUENT Aspect Ratio"

  • "Inverse Orthogonal Quality"

(tgapi-util-set-quality-measure "measure")
Set object cell zone type(tgapi-util-set-object-cell-zone-type 'object 'cell-zone-type)
(tgapi-util-set-object-cell-zone-type "object" 'cell-zone-type)
Set the number of compute threads to use for algorithms like mesh check and quality computation. You can use a variable number of compute threads for these algorithms depending on the current machine loads. The number of compute threads is between 2 and the value (maximum-cores-available - 1).(tgapi-util-set-number-of-parallel-compute-threads nthreads)