A.4. Diagnostic Based Marking Utility Functions

The following functions are available for identifying faces/zones based on diagnostic criteria such as face connectivity and quality:

Feature DescriptionUtility Function
Mark free faces on the face zones specified(tgapi-util-mark-free-faces '(zone-id-list))
(tgapi-util-mark-free-faces '(zone-name-list))
(tgapi-util-mark-free-faces "zone-name-pattern*")
Mark multi-connected faces on the face zones specified based on fringe length (n)(tgapi-util-mark-multi-faces '(zone-id-list) n)
(tgapi-util-mark-multi-faces '(zone-name-list) n)
(tgapi-util-mark-multi-faces "zone-name-pattern*" n)
Mark self-intersecting faces on the face zones specified. Specify whether to mark folded faces or not (mark-folded? set to #t or #f).(tgapi-util-mark-self-intersecting-faces '(zone-id-list) mark-folded?)
(tgapi-util-mark-self-intersecting-faces '(zone-name-list) mark-folded?)
(tgapi-util-mark-self-intersecting-faces "zone-name-pattern*" mark-folded?)
Mark faces in self-proximity on the face zones specified. Specify whether to use relative tolerance (relative-tolerance? set to #t or #f), tolerance value, the angle, and whether to ignore orientation (ignore-orientation? set to #t or #f).(tgapi-util-mark-faces-in-self-proximity '(zone-id-list) relative-tolerance? tolerance angle ignore-orientation?)
(tgapi-util-mark-faces-in-self-proximity '(zone-name-list) relative-tolerance? tolerance angle ignore-orientation?)
(tgapi-util-mark-faces-in-self-proximity "zone-name-pattern*" relative-tolerance? tolerance angle ignore-orientation?)
Mark duplicate faces on the face zones specified(tgapi-util-mark-duplicate-faces '(zone-id-list))
(tgapi-util-mark-duplicate-faces '(zone-name-list))
(tgapi-util-mark-duplicate-faces "zone-name-pattern*")
Mark invalid normal locations on the face zones specified(tgapi-util-mark-invalid-normals '(zone-id-list))
(tgapi-util-mark-invalid-normals '(zone-name-list))
(tgapi-util-mark-invalid-normals "zone-name-pattern*")
Mark point contact locations on the face zones specified(tgapi-util-mark-point-contacts '(zone-id-list))
(tgapi-util-mark-point-contacts '(zone-name-list))
(tgapi-util-mark-point-contacts "zone-name-pattern*")
Mark island faces on the face zones specified, based on the island face count (n)(tgapi-util-mark-island-faces '(zone-id-list) n)
(tgapi-util-mark-island-faces '(zone-name-list) n)
(tgapi-util-mark-island-faces "zone-name-pattern*" n)
Mark spikes on the face zones specified, based on the spike angle (spike-angle)(tgapi-util-mark-spikes '(zone-id-list) spike-angle)
(tgapi-util-mark-spikes '(zone-name-list) spike-angle)
(tgapi-util-mark-spikes "zone-name-pattern*" spike-angle)
Mark steps on the face zones specified, based on the step angle (step-angle) and step width (step-width)(tgapi-util-mark-steps '(zone-id-list) step-angle step-width)
(tgapi-util-mark-steps '(zone-name-list) step-angle step-width)
(tgapi-util-mark-steps "zone-name-pattern*" step-angle step-width)
Mark sliver faces on the face zones specified, based on the maximum height (max-height) and skewness limit (skew-limit)(tgapi-util-mark-sliver-faces '(zone-id-list) max-height skew-limit)
(tgapi-util-mark-sliver-faces '(zone-name-list) max-height skew-limit)
(tgapi-util-mark-sliver-faces "zone-name-pattern*" max-height skew-limit)
Mark bad quality faces on the boundary face zones specified, based on the quality limit (quality-limit) and number of rings (nrings).(tgapi-util-mark-bad-quality-faces '(zone-id-list) quality-limit nrings)
(tgapi-util-mark-bad-quality-faces '(zone-name-list) quality-limit nrings)
(tgapi-util-mark-bad-quality-faces "zone-name-pattern*" quality-limit nrings)
Mark faces based on the quality-measure and quality-limit specified. Specify whether to append the faces to those previously marked or clear previously marked faces (append-marking? set to #t or #f) (tgapi-util-mark-faces-by-quality '(zone-id-list) quality-measure quality-limit append-marking?)
(tgapi-util-mark-faces-by-quality '(zone-name-list) quality-measure quality-limit append-marking?)
(tgapi-util-mark-faces-by-quality "zone-name-pattern*" quality-measure quality-limit append-marking?)
Mark face strips based on the strip-type, strip-height, quality-measure, quality-limit, and feature-angle specified. Possible values for strip-type are:
  • 1: boundary-boundary strip. Multi-connected face edges are also considered as boundary here.

  • 2: feature-feature strip between angle based features. Feature edges, multi-connected edges, and free edges are angle based features. Boundary edges will be considered features if there is an angle.

  • 3: all-all strip between all boundaries and features.

  • 4: pure feature-feature strip. Only pure features, boundary edges and multi edges will not be considered as pure feature edges even if there is an angle based feature.

The recommended value is 2.
(tgapi-util-mark-face-strips-by-height-and-quality '(zone-id-list) strip-type strip-height quality-measure quality-limit feature-angle)
(tgapi-util-mark-face-strips-by-height-and-quality '(zone-name-list) strip-type strip-height quality-measure quality-limit feature-angle)
(tgapi-util-mark-face-strips-by-height-and-quality "zone-name-pattern*" strip-type strip-height quality-measure quality-limit feature-angle)
Mark all faces at nodes based on deviation from the size field.
  • Specify the zones using zone-id-list, zone-name-list, or zone-name-pattern*.

  • Specify the min-size-factor and max-size-factor.

  • Specify the size field type to be used to get size at node. Set "sf-type-to-compare" to "volumetric" or "geodesic".

Faces will be marked if the minimum edge length at the node is less than min-size-factor×size-at-node or the maximum edge length is greater than max-size-factor×size-at-node.
(tgapi-util-mark-faces-deviating-from-size-field '(zone-id-list) min-size-factor max-size-factor "sf-type-to-compare")
(tgapi-util-mark-faces-deviating-from-size-field '(zone-name-list) min-size-factor max-size-factor "sf-type-to-compare")
(tgapi-util-mark-faces-deviating-from-size-field "zone-name-pattern*" min-size-factor max-size-factor "sf-type-to-compare")
Mark all faces with node degree above the specified threshold. Node degree is defined as the number of edges connected to the node.
  • Specify the face zones using zone-id-list, zone-name-list, or zone-name-pattern*.

  • Specify the node-degree-threshold.

(tgapi-util-mark-faces-using-node-degree '(zone-id-list) node-degree-threshold)
(tgapi-util-mark-faces-using-node-degree '(zone-name-list) node-degree-threshold)
(tgapi-util-mark-faces-using-node-degree "zone-name-pattern*" node-degree-threshold)