2.4. Monitoring/Manipulating Jobs

2.4.1. Monitoring the Progress of a Job

The qstat command is used to monitor the status of jobs in a PBS Professional queue. When no job ID is specified, the qstat command will display all jobs. If you use qstat -an job_ID you will receive information about a specific job. This information includes the location at which the job is executing, which will be listed under the Job ID column.

% qstat -an
                                                          Req’d  Req’d   Elap
 Job ID        Username Queue   Jobname    SessID NDS TSK Memory Time  S Time
 ------------- -------- ------- ---------- ------ --- --- ------ ----- - -----
 32.server     user     workq   fluent-job  15886  --   1    --    --  R 01:07

There are several job states to be aware of when using qstat, which are listed under the S column. The two main states you will see are Q and R. Q indicates that the job is waiting in the queue to run. At this point the scheduler has not found a suitable node or nodes to run the job. Once the scheduler has found a suitable area to run the job and has sent the job to run, its state will be set to R. Full details on the different job statuses reported by qstat can be found in the PBS Professional 7.1 Users Guide Section 6.1.1.

2.4.2. Removing a Job from the Queue

The qdel <job_ID> command will delete the job indicated by <job_ID>.